twenty eight

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tyler sat down in the sofa and looked at the boy in front of him with puffy, red eyes.
-listen ty.. i've been thinking about this for some time now and uhm i don't think debby is the person i want to marry and grow old and all that shit with. i don't know if it's you either since we barely know each other but i really want to get to know you better and see where it leads. i just want to be debby's friend, you know? tyler looked shocked, he was absolutely speechless. as he was about to say something debby calls again. josh picks it up in a rush.
-yeah hi. i'm at tyler's. i mean sure, i'll text you the address. yeah. great. yeah yeah. bye. josh looked at tyler with a serious face.
-debby is coming over. the small boy's face turned into a shocked one again. his eyes were wide and his jaw was almost down at the floor.

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