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Hey everyone! The Friend Zone sequel is now up on my profile! Here is a sneak peek!

College is a confusing and exciting place and time in your life, but nothing as scary as being tossed into the real world afterward. No more dining hall meals, no more classes, no more thirsty Thursday outings, no more spending Friday morning hungover in your room skipping class. After those four years, you're on your own and have to fend for yourself and go to work on a daily basis.

Tessa Walters and Taylor McCarthy have managed to make it through four years at Aladine College and are now being thrown into the real world, which for them means leaving Buffalo and Aladine for South Dakota so Taylor can pursue professional hockey.

Things are great until Tessa realizes that maybe Taylor hasn't grown up quite as much as she has in the past four years, putting a strain on their growing relationship.

Can their relationship survive their transition into the real world and adult life and a major curveball being thrown their way?  

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