Chapter Eleven: I Saw the Way He Looked at You

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 Finals week came, stuck around for longer than I'd liked it to, but finally it was Thursday and Taylor and I were finishing up then leaving for the airport at the crack of dawn on Friday. I'd packed almost everything the night before, but I had gotten up half an hour early at four thirty so I could make sure I had everything. Last time I left home, I left my deodorant and toothbrush, so I wanted to make sure I really had everything. After zipping up the last of my bags and pulled the blanket off of Taylor in hopes that would wake him up.

We had both brought our cars here but mine was having issues so I couldn't drive it for a while, so he had stayed the night with me. I'm sure Whitney would've made a big deal about it if she was still here, but I chose not to. Why should I? We'd been staying the night at each other's places for the past four years, why should anything change just because we may or may not have feelings for each other?

"Is it really time to go?" he groaned, sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah," I replied, "You should probably check your bag before we go."

"Yeah, I'll do that," he said, jumping off the edge of my bed and unzipping his suitcase.

"Don't forget your toothbrush, or your deodorant," I reminded him, "I'm not sharing."

"Don't worry Mom," he smirked, "I've got it all packed."

"Someone needs to encourage you to be responsible," I replied.

"You're doing a fantastic job," he said sarcastically, "Now, if you give me your suitcases I'll go get my car and try to get the heat to work while you get dressed."

"Thank you," I smiled, zipping my suitcase before he took it out to the car.

I slipped out of my shorts and t-shirt and changed into my Aladine Hockey Nike sweats and threw on Taylor's old sweatshirt overtop. I put on my long skate socks and slid on my fuzzy boots and threw on a beanie to cover up my greasy hair.

By the time I had gotten dressed and double checked everything in my room, Taylor was in front of the building with his car so I walked out the door and trampled down the stairs into the lobby.

"Thanks for pulling up," I said as I got in the car, "It's freezing out here."

"Yeah," he said, "Damn, I wish Tim Horton's was open."

"They should be open by the time we get to Waterford," I said, "I'm going to need more than a few coffees to get through the day."

"I'd like to nap all day after we get to Buffalo," he laughed.

"Too bad we have things to do," I smirked.

"Damn it," he laughed, "What are we doing?"

"It's a secret," I replied.

"Fine then, be that way," he retorted, trying his best to sound hurt and offended.

"This is going to be a long ride," I laughed.


About an hour later, halfway into the trip to the airport, we ran into our first open Tim Horton's just outside of Waterford.

"What do you want?" Taylor asked as we pulled in.

"Double double with whip," I replied, "And a forty pack of Timbits."

"You better share those," he laughed as he pulled up to the drive through speaker and ordered.

"I might if you're nice," I replied as we pulled up to the window, "You're paying by the way, my wallet and purse are in the trunk."

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