Chapter Nine: Almost Normal Again

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After Sunday morning, I felt like this huge weight was taken off my chest and off of my mind. We'd agreed not to tell anyone about our relationship or our newfound feelings for each other for a little while and he said he was going to break up with Kayla the next day when they were supposed to meet after class. I actually thought everything was going to go my way this time, and I couldn't have been happier.

"Okay, I need to know, what's got you in such a good mood the past few days?" Whitney asked that night.

"Nothing, I didn't think my mood was any different, why?" I lied.

"You're lying," she smirked, "I can see it all over your face. Who did you go home with last night? Because he obviously made you pretty happy."

"I didn't go home with anyone last night," I replied, "I came home at two."

"After you made out with Taylor, right?" she asked with a smirk.

"What?" I asked.

"Everyone knows that you two made out at the party," she replied, "What happened after that?"

"Nothing, nothing at all," I replied.

"Then how come you weren't home when I got back at noon this morning?" she asked.

"Because I went to breakfast," I lied.

"In your party clothes?" she asked, "Come on Tess, you know you can tell me anything."

"Nothing happened between Taylor and I, I just stayed at his place last night, okay?" I said, still lying through my teeth.

"So you don't remember making out with him?" she asked.

"Unfortunately I do," I laughed.

"I heard he grabbed your ass," she smirked.

"Possibly," I sighed.

"Come on Tess you know you want to tell me what really happened," she whined.

"Fine," I groaned, "He made out with me at the party, I freaked out and ran home. He followed me home, tried to get me to talk, I wouldn't let him in. I ended up going to his place, he kissed me again, I made him stop because I knew he'd regret it in the morning, we both went to bed."

"And?" she asked.

"Nothing else happened, he was just drunk and stupid," I lied, "He didn't even remember it when he woke up."

I hated lying to Whit but I didn't think she needed to know the truth quite yet, besides she had a slight problem with keeping her mouth shut and we didn't want everyone knowing just quite yet so I kept lying. Besides, I didn't want to tell her without talking to Taylor about it first.

"Disappointing," she pouted.

"Whatever Whit," I laughed, trying to avoid having to lie to her any more than necessary.


"So did you talk to Kayla yet?" I asked Taylor on Monday afternoon as we walked to the library after class.

"Not exactly yet," he replied, "I'm sorry Tess, it's just I haven't really gotten the right opportunity, you know?"

"Yeah," I said quietly.

I was worried this would happen, that he wouldn't have the balls to break up with Kayla and I'd be left hanging, either that or being the side-chick, which would make me feel like an absolutely horrible person.

"I'll break up with her, don't worry," he said.

"Well you better do it soon, I leave for Buffalo next Wednesday," I replied.

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