Chapter Three: It's Always Something

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"You're late Walters," Coach Carrello said as I got in line behind my teammates for lunch.

"Sorry Coach," I said, "Forgot to set my alarm."

"Again?" he asked with a smirk, "When you get your food, come talk with me."

"What'd I do this time?" I groaned.

"You'll see," he replied before walking away.

"It's always something," I sighed to myself as I put chicken and vegetables on my plate, moving through the line.

"You can sit," Coach said as I walked over to his usual table in the corner where he spread his stuff out for the game later.

"What'd I do? Seriously, I have no clue," I said, sitting down with my food.

"Someone said you were at Caf last night," he said, "I know you're still new and learning, but you know the rules and myself and the captains have been very clear about the 24-hour rule and the rule about Caf before. "

"I was giving someone a ride home, I promise. I walked in, dragged his sorry ass out and took him home, I promise," I replied.

"And who was that?" he asked.

"Taylor McCarthy," I replied, "Wait a minute, did Kayla tell you that?" I asked, putting the pieces together.

Whitney said that Kayla thought he went home with me the night before so of course, she would run and tell Coach that I was at Caf to try to get me in trouble, especially because my line had been first line the weekend before in our first road game and she got pushed down to second line. We all got the same playing time, save for maybe the fourth line at the end of the game, but it was all about the concept of being first line or the best for her and her ego.

"That doesn't matter," he said.

"Yes it does. She's mad because I'm best friends with her boyfriend," I replied, "Look, Coach, I promise you I wasn't drinking, or even at Caf for more than two seconds last night. Taylor called me because he always does, we grew up together. My dad is more of a dad to him than his own ever was and he's always protected me like a sister and I always save his ass when he gets too drunk and needs a ride home."

"And why do you think it was Kayla who said you were at Caf?" he asked.

"Because she gets livid when Taylor calls me instead of her when he drinks," I replied.

"Why would she?" he asked, "You just told me and you've mentioned before how close the two of you are and how it's not like that."

"She doesn't think so," I replied, rolling my eyes, "That's beside the point though."

"So let's go over the story again," he said, "Kayla, come over here please!"

"What?" she groaned as she sat down next to me.

"We're going over our stories from last night," he said.

"My neighbor across the hall said they saw Tess at the Caf last night," she said.

"And?" I said, "Care to elaborate?"

"Everyone goes to Caf to drink," she replied, "So why else would she be there?"

"I was there picking up Taylor and you know it," I said, trying not to yell at her stupid, smug ass face.

"Tess, your story," Coach Carrello sighed.

"I went to bed at ten and Taylor woke me up at three thirty calling because he needed a ride," I said, "So I got out of bed and drove down to Caf to get him."

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