~(56)~ Divergent Factions At The Bookstore

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Candor (The Honest): "Come on...Ugh! I want all the books in here! But all of you are so stupid and don't know how to price a book right!"

Erudite (The Intelligent): "Excuse me, Sir, can you direct me to the textbooks? And medical books?"

Dauntless (The Brave): *Climbs bookshelves* "I can see Starbucks from here!Wait is that cake over there? Guys they have cake!"

Abnegation (The Selfless): "Would you like me to hold those books for you while you look?"

Amity (The Peaceful): "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish *Giggles* This is the best book ever!"

Who do you think you are? I would be like Dauntless. I love Starbucks and cake! XD

 I love Starbucks and cake! XD

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