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Lyrics POV
I woke up the next morning to feel small hands shaking me. I see Evan sitting on mine and Peter's bed. "Hey buddy." I said and placed him in my lap. "Hi mommy." he said. A tear formed in my eyes. I honestly never thought that I would be able to hear a little boy call me mommy. I smiled at Evan. "You hungry or did Peter already feed you?" I asked him. "I got food from daddy." he said. I smiled at Evan. "Mommy can we go to the beach today?" Evan asked. "Yeah. Lets go to the beach." I said.

I grabbed Evans hand and walked him to the beach. I packed food just in case Evan got hungry. "Peter, Evan and I are going to the beach." I said to Peter. "That's fine." he kissed my cheek. "Make sure you be back before dinner." Peter said. "We will." I told him.

Evan and I got to the beach and we started playing around. I tickled him till he couldn't take it. "I love you mommy." Evan said. I smiled at him and hugged him. "I love you most." I told him.

The rest of the beach trip was just me and Evan playing in the sand. "Look mommy. I made a castle." Evan said. "That's" a nice castle." Peter said coming out of the woods. I smiled at him. Evan ran to him and hugged him. Peter picked him up and kissed his cheeks. Peter came and sat next to me and kissed my cheeks as well. I smiled at him. "Hello love." Peter said to me. "Hello." I said and kissed him. "Mommy! What's this?" Evan asked holding a seashell. "That's a seashell." I told him. "What does it do?" he asked. "Well it can make beautiful jewelry or it can be used for magic." Peter said. "Like to call sea animals if you need them. Before animals arrived on Neverland we used these to call fish in. Man were the mermaids mad." Peter said.

I walked with Evan and Peter back to camp so we could get dinner ready for the lost boys. Evan is asleep in my arms. I'll have food saved for him when he wakes up. The kid ran around all day with no nap.

I was walking with Peter, when a figure came out from behind a tree. "Henry?" I asked. "What are you doing here? You mother is going to kill you for being here." Peter said. "I'll take Evan back to camp so you guys can talk." I said. "Nice seeing you again Lyric." Henry said. "Yeah. You too."

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