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I woke up the next morning to a sleeping Peter next to me. I can't believe I was created by my childhood hero. I stared at his beautiful face. "It's rude to stare love." he said with that cute little smirk he does. I smiled at him kissed him. "Can we go to Neverland?" I asked. He smiled at me and kissed me. "Of course love. Anything for you." he said. He got up and grabbed a sward that was hanging above his mirror. "This is yours." he said. "In the book, it should've said you are the shadow girl." he said. "It did." I said holding the sward. "This is yours. You get to take souls and shadows of the people who deify you, me or anybody you love." he said. I smiled at him and kissed him. "Thank you Peter." I said. "You're welcome." he said.

Me and Peter walked out of his house and there was a mob of angry people outside his house. "Peter what exactly did you do before the curse?" I asked. "Well I kinda sorta maybe stole Henry's heart in order to get here" he said. "You dumbass." I said and smacked him. "I got this." I said. "Everyone calm down!" I said. "Listen, I know what Pan did was a pretty dick move. Putting a curse on this town in order to get to me. But listen, if you let Pan and we will go and never return. We won't bug you anymore." I said. I grabbed Peters hand and walked to the docs. "Ready?" he asked me. I nodded and held him tight. And we whooshed off to Neverland.

We landed in the middle of what I assume was the lost boys camp. "I'm home." I whispered to myself.

A/N- Sorry if it sucked. I'm losing inspiration, and I have been busy. I'm learning to drive and getting a job. Ugh!! I'm adulting!!

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