Sunday, September 11, 2016 & Monday, September 12, 2016

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Once I realized the time I immediately called back my mother. She had called me 23 times and Alison had called me 8. Messages were sent more than I could count and I was quite scared for my well being once I would reach home. I turned over to Joey who was sleeping like a baby, I don't know how someone could sleep so peacefully when I am ultimately losing my mind.
"Joey! Wake up!" I screamed, shaking him awake.
"What, what is it?" he yelled, "WHO IS HERE?" he was so scared and paranoid but you could tell he was trying to act tough, it was quite funny. I raised my phone in front of his face shining the time in his eyes.
"Oh my god" he said
"Yeah so take me home!!" I yelled and got up, he got up soon after, grabbed his keys and we were both flying out the door.

The drive was awhile, we didn't speak, I was too tired and too scared of the wrath of my mother when I would get home. He dropped me off and said he will text me later, I smiled and got out of the car and ran into my house where my mother and Alison were sitting on the couch. Alison saw me first, she looked to my mom and back at me and that's when my mom got up and turned around to face me.
"I just wanted to say I am so sorry for my actions, I fell asleep, I swear nothing happened." I said walking towards them
"Sit" my mom said with no expression, I did as she said and sat down, there was a silence.
"Tell us everything that happened." Alison stated, you could tell my mom is giving her full permission to have as much power over me as she does.
"Okay, Joey took me to his cottage, it's a cute little cottage and he had everything set up so nicely for a dinner and movie date, we cuddled, watching a movie and then we both fell asleep, that's all that happened" I said, looking at both of them.
"Are you going to see this boy again?" my mom asked
"I don't know, maybe?" I said it as a question because I wasn't sure if I would be allowed too.
"It's your choice if you do Danielle, just this better not happen again" Alison said.
"Okay" I replied, I got up and hugged my mom and then Alison. Alison then followed me to my room and said goodbye and that she would see me tomorrow. I fell asleep for the rest of the day.

The next day, I woke up and was kind of excited for school, I was gonna be able to talk to Benjamin, I haven't seen him in forever, haven't even talked to him in longer than forever. Okay, maybe only 4 days, but still. He was absent on Thursday and Friday, so it was good that I got to see him. I needed a friend.
I walked in the school and I know it sounds weird, but everything went quiet. I walked down the halls and people were staring at me, girls were giving me dirty looks, guys were rolling their eyes at me. I went to my locker and opened it, soon after I saw Joey, I smiled at him, he came over and said "So uh, do you know why everyone is staring at us weirdly?"
"No I have no idea" I replied
"Weird, I'll go ask the boys, but before I do that, I have a question for you, would you like to be my official girlfriend?"
I smiled, I wanted to yes, but I should think about it first, oh well, thinking is too much for me right now.
"Of course I will be your girlfriend" I said and kissed him, he walked away after and went to the boys who welcomed him all high five-ing and congratulating him. I saw Benjamin walking to class so I followed him, however managed to catch up to him in the halls.
"Hey stranger" I said laughing
"Hey" he replied and continued to walk
"Is everything okay? You disappeared on Thursday and Friday and didn't text me all weekend"
"I didn't feel well, and sorry, I knew you had a date so I didn't want to bother you"
"How did you know about my date?" I asked him
"Everyone knows about it, a group of girls go around telling everyone anything they know, they call themselves the 'gossip girls'"
"Weird, do you know who they are?" I had a pretty good idea, but in case I was wrong I needed confirmation.
"No I don't, I just hear about them." he said
"Oh well, thanks anyways"
"How was your date with Joey? I mean I don't mean to sound rude but I heard you guys did stuff and I just wanted to make sure you are okay." he said
"WHAT?" I yelled, which caused everyone who was not already staring at me, to start staring
"Shhhh just come in the class" Ben grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into Chem, no one was in here, not even the teacher. "The 'gossip girls' told the entire school that you and Joey had sex"
"We did not! All we did was cuddle and fall asleep watching a movie which caused us to be a little late getting home!" I said to him
"I didn't think you would do that, but I would talk to Joey, he knows about what's been going around and he hasn't said anything against it"
With that I texted Joey saying to meet me halfway through this period.

At halfway through, I asked to go to the washroom, I went to my locker to meet up with Joey.
"Joey, do you know what's been going around?" I asked him
"No I don't" he said
"Don't lie to me Joey" I gave him my dirty stare that can make people uncomfortable at times
"Okay so I do" he said
"And you haven't denied it?" I asked
"So what if people think we had sex, it's gonna happen sometime, let's just get the talk go around so we can avoid it later!"
What he said made sense in some sick kinda way but I didn't agree. I basically slapped him but he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him
"Listen Danielle you are with me, and in this relationship, I am superior. You will do as I say and if you don't I will make sure no guy ever comes near you again. Now just let people think what they want to think."
He walked away and I went back to class, I was basically shaking. The teacher asked if I was okay and I said I just felt sick. I asked if Ben could take me to the office to get permission to take medication, she agreed and Ben got up to take me. Once we were outside the class Ben immediately noticed I wasn't sick.
"Alright, what happened?" He touched my forehead, "You aren't running a fever, so you couldn't have been that sick"
"It's Joey" I started crying, I tried to hold it back but I couldn't, I eventually found myself pulled into a hug by Benjamin with him running his fingers through my hair, calmly shhh-ing my cries.
"What did he do to you?" He asked
"He grabbed me, and hurt me and he threatened to ruin me if I don't do as he says" I sniffled as I was talking but he understood exactly what I said
"That son of a" I stopped him before he could continue
"I'll be fine Ben, just take me to the library and stay with me"
We went to the library for that period, I stayed for the rest of the day in there, I couldn't go to class all shaken up. Ben came to check on me once in awhile and at the end of the day walked me to my locker. He also took me home.

I fell asleep, wishing that whatever was to come tomorrow, wouldn't be as worse as what happened today.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait! I have been super busy and haven't had time to write, also apologize if this chapter isn't as good, I tried my best for what I could come up with! However, the next chapter will be better, hopefully in your eyes. Thinking of writing a sequel to this, but not 110% sold on it! Thanks for reading!

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