Wednesday, September 7, 2016

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My alarm goes off at 6:45am, I immediately slam my hand down on it to shut it up. I hate my alarm but without it, I would sleep right through homeroom. I wake up and check my phone and smile, I got a message and from Joey.

Joey: Hey! I hope you have a great day today! Text you later! :)

Danielle: Sounds great! You too!

I get up and do my regular routine, random clothes, except today I was sporting leggings with a light pale blue baggy sweater. I go to brush my hair and I decided to put it up in a ponytail today, and did my regular makeup routine. I grabbed my bag and headed to school. Driving in the car I couldn't help but feeling excited, and I didn't know why. I tried to figure it out, but all I kept getting was that I get to see my friends Benjamin and Alison today. I walked in to the school and headed to my locker, where I saw Benjamin at his, him and I made solid eye contact before Joey came over and said hello, that's when Benjamin broke off contact and went off to class. It confused me, but I figured if he didn't break off eye contact, it would be awkward. When Joey left, I went to class. I wanted to talk to Benjamin, get to know him. I walked in, and at the back of the class, he was sitting there, sketching on a piece of paper, he looked at me and smiled. I came over and just sat beside him.
"Well hello Benjamin." I looked at him with a friendly smile.
"You know Dani, you can call me Ben," he laughed.
"Well I didn't know, some people prefer their full name, I didn't know if that was you" I explained.
"If I wanted to be called by my full name I would tell you to call me Benjamin Alexander Lenin"
"Benjamin Alexander Lenin? Sounds so official" I chuckle at myself because it does sound so official.
"I know, I love my name, my last name is my dads, we changed it when I was 2"
"That's nice, my last name is typical, Kingston"
"I like it," Ben smiled at me and I felt a wave of air, I knew I felt attracted to him. As a friend.
"Thank you" I replied and opened my books.
"What's your middle name?" he asked curiously.
"I'll never tell" I laughed.
"Oh come on!" He gave me puppy dog eyes I couldn't resist.
"Fine I'll tell you" I stated, rolling my eyes, "It's Gracelynn"
"That's a beautiful middle name" he smiled at me, "Does it have any significance?"
"I wouldn't know, my dad chose it but he doesn't live with us, my parents are divorced and my mom has full custody of me seeming how my dad has gotten into alcohol."
"Oh I'm sorry." he said, his beautiful smile turned into a solemn frown.
"Hey, don't worry about it, it's not your fault" I said looking at him.
The teacher started the class and it was boring all the way through, we did some more worksheets and halfway through one of them my pencil broke.
"Shit" I said under my breath.
"What is it?" he replied.
"I broke my pencil and I left my pencil case in my locker, ugh I'm so stupid."
"Don't say that" he says, taking out his pencil case and putting some pencils on his desk, "You can borrow one of mine"
"Okay" I reach for a pencil but at the same time, so did he and our hands awkwardly touched, it was a moment I didn't want to move away from, his eyes locked with mine and none of us were moving, that is until a noise of someone dropping a binder woke us both to reality. He was the first one to move away.
The class ended but before Ben could leave, I had to ask for his number, so I did, he gave it to me and I gave my number to him. As soon as we parted our separate ways down the hall, my phone beeped.

Ben: Hey

Danielle: It hasn't even been a minute since we last saw each other, you just miss me a lot don't you? :)

Ben: Guilty :) well I have History now, I'll text you later!

Danielle: Okay!!

The next period went by slow, and when lunch came, I texted Alison, and amazingly got a quick response, she told me to meet her at my locker, which is down the hall from hers. I met up with her and saw that she was wearing jeans and a cardigan, her typical outfit really. She loves cardigans and she only wears jeans, she hates dresses, skirts and leggings. She smiled at me and gave me a hug.
"Hey girl! How you been?" she said happily.
"Alright I guess, oh wait, I'm better! Guess why?" I replied.
"Uh you have the easiest semester ever?"
"You met a cute boy?"
"More than that" I stated excitedly
"WHO?" she yelled at me
"Joey Branson asked ME on a date!"
"No f-ing way!" she started jumping up and down like a little kid on Christmas
"Yeah way!!" I said so happy that she was happy for me and not jealous like some of my ex friends.

Alison and I talked all the way through lunch, I told her everything, about meeting Ben, about my classes, about Joey of course, everything. She seemed happy from what I could tell, and she said she would see me later, and headed off to class, I headed off too.

By the end of the day I was exhausted. I couldn't wait to get home into my bed. I was driving home when I got a phone call, it was from Ben. I answered quickly, in case of emergency.
"Dani?" Ben asked.
"Yes Ben, it's me, is something wrong?" I ask worriedly.
"No, no. I was just wondering if you could meet up and help me with something,"
"Ben, if it's what I think it is, that's something you really should do by yourself on your own time..."
"It's not that! Oh my god Dani, I am not that sick! I do it in the shower like every other gentlemen" he laughs.
"I'm hanging up." I reply.
"I was kidding! You need to lighten up Dani, come on, come and help me with something and we will go out and try and loosen you up!"
"Alright alright, where are you?" I say rolling my eyes, even though he can't see me.
"At the school. Meet at my locker. Tell no one." And with that, he just hung up. Oh Benjamin, what trouble are you getting me into now?

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