Tuesday, September 6, 2016

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First day of school is always hard, always. It's junior year, which let me tell you, isn't going to be fun. High school has never been exciting for me, it has always been a drag. Seeming how I made out in the summer with Joey Branson, every girl is bound to hate me and every guy is going to be intimidated. Joey Branson has a reputation, a reputation to hurt any guy that even comes close to what he has had his lips on. It was all thanks to a crazy summer party, that his lips were on me.
"Will you damn hurry up Danielle!" yells my overly crazy mother, who clearly doesn't understand that getting ready in 5 minutes is close to impossible, especially for me. Sadly enough, I throw on my jeans with some t-shirt of a band that I have never heard of, however bought the shirt because it was on sale, and my jean jacket. I know, I know, a jean jacket with jeans on? I am crazy for even trying it, nevertheless I am way too tired to even think about changing.

I ran downstairs, practically tripping, until my mom looked at me with the 'What the hell happened to you' look and that's when it hit me, my hair and makeup are not completed whatsoever. Taking every last bit of energy I may have from such a crazy morning, I dragged myself up the stairs and into the bathroom where my makeup bag sits, open, because the night before, I chose to set everything out so I wouldn't forget, funny me right? Thinking I could get up early, damn, was that ever a mistaken thought.

I took out all my makeup, I've always found it easier that way, to pull out the products I need instead of having to go through everything. I have expensive makeup, and I'm not an expensive girl, I just hate when my makeup is choppy, maybe that's just me. But I wouldn't know seeming how all my girl-friends except for Alison has completely ditched me after the big incident, which trust me, I do not want to get in to.
I grabbed my 'Better than sex' Too Faced mascara, my Sephora brand foundation, concealer and powder all basically in shade Ivory, I am really white, if I knew casper the ghost, we would look like twins. I also grabbed my eyebrow gel, and my 'Ray of Light' Too Faced highlighter, as well as my Too Faced liquid lipstick in shade Rosé. After grabbing all of that nonsense and my Urban Decay setting spray, I started. Doing my makeup to me, is the best quiet moment to just think, I think a lot, and when I say that, I mean a lot. I overly think everything, life decisions, this one time, I recalled when I was 7 years old, in school, Dylan and William both invited me for a play date at their house, but they were on the same day, I chose William, but what would have happened if I chose Dylan? After the play date I had, William and I became really close, and when we were 12, even started dating. That lasted until we were 14, when he moved away and we broke up, but what happened if he didn't move? Would we still be together? AHHHH stop thinking!

Soon enough, I was done my makeup, I brushed my long, brown hair, I've always had straight hair. What a blessing, because my friend Alison, has really curly blonde hair, I feel for her, because whenever we have sleepovers, in the morning, it takes her 25 minutes just to brush through it. You may think I'm over exaggerating, but trust me, I am not.

After finishing, and putting everything away, I grab my phone and my bag, with all my new binders and notebooks nicely put in, and run downstairs, of course, almost falling. I grab my keys to my car, and start driving, and then it really hits me, about 2 minutes before I would be pulling into school, everything I wanted to get away from will be here, the worst part, Joey Branson is going to be waiting for me today. He hadn't seen me since, the incident.

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