Tuesday, September 6, 2016 (2)

9 1 0

Walking into school is quite frightening, I look around, and the first person I lay my eyes on, of course isn't the one person I needed, but Joey Branson. He looks at me, not with a 'Hey what's up look' but with a 'Hey there's my girl' look. Before I know it, I stopped moving and he's started coming towards me. I didn't move, I couldn't, I tried, my feet were just glued to the floor, while my eyes were watching him walk over to me like nothing. Damn was he hot! His perfect flowy brown hair that shines in the schools hallway light. This boy is about 6 feet and has an amazing build, his smile is just gorgeous, his white teeth just shine and his jawline just makes him look even hotter. He throws his arm around me and walks me to my locker, we don't talk, which I find very, very awkward, but I don't say anything nevertheless, I have nothing to say to him. We get to my locker, I unlock it while he is waving to people walking down the halls. He is your average popular athlete, like you would see in movies, only he's even more of a jerk.
"So, uh Danielle?" he looks at me with his deep brown eyes, I can already feel myself falling for him, and I must do something to throw myself off.
"So, uh Joey?" I mock at him and turn back into my locker as I put my binders and notebooks in to choose which is for each subject.
"Look, you know I like you.."
Before he even continues I immediately stop him.
"Don't start that with me Joey Branson, you kissed me, a lot, and you didn't even bother to call the next day, I woke up and you were gone, no trace of you ever being there. It broke my heart, I can't believe you thought you could even try something like that!"
"Danielle! Listen to me, please! The next morning I had to leave immediately, my mom is strict, she took away my phone for the past 3 weeks! Ask any of the guys, they will tell you, I was on house arrest up until today."
I look at him with my face that can usually crack liars and I am really good at reading people as well, so I just look at him with my eyes that say 'You better not be lying.' He just continues to look into my eyes, and then opens that beautiful mouth of his, and smiles.
"What is it?" I ask, thinking I broke him.
"It's just, you have the most amazing green eyes, absolutely stunning"
I just roll my eyes at him, his charm is what got me in the first place and I won't be fooled again
"Danielle, how about this?" He is clearly starting a proposition and I raise my right eyebrow at him, curious as to what he has to say. "How about, I take you on a date, Saturday night. A real date, no strings attached, I promise"
I look at him weirdly, but actually amused. Joey Branson taking a girl on a date? That would be a great historical moment, and to be the one to share it, who am I to turn it down? I want to be sure though, so I raise up my pinky finger, for a pinky swear, he looks at it and laughs a bit before bringing up his pinky and both of our pinky fingers grasping the other. When we finally release he turns to my side, kisses me on the cheek and says, "See you later, baby girl." He walks away, back to his group of guys but not before turning to wink at me and smile before him and all his friends walk down the hallway, away from sight.

I grab my books and check my homeroom class, 208, Chemistry. Out of all of my classes, they had to choose Chemistry to make me start my day, I rolled my eyes, groaned and headed up the stairs to room 208. I walked in, about 10 minutes early, to where a teacher I have never seen before, sits at her desk, acknowledges me, and tells me to find a seat. There is only one other person in this class this early, a boy, I believe his name is Benjamin, but I'm not sure, however, he is sitting at the back, basically to where I want to sit. I go over to him, smile, he looks up at me, and back down to his phone.
"Is this seat taken?" I ask.
"It is now, by you." he smiles and pulls out the chair.
"Why thank you kind sir"
"No problem your highness"
"Okay now I know we are going to be friends" I laugh and look at him
I open my books and get ready while also on Snapchat, until class starts. I keep checking my phone but I have got no messages from Alison, which is weird, seeming how she had texted me yesterday telling me that she would text where to meet. The bell rings and everyone starts piling in, laughing, taking their seats, the teacher gets up and walks to the front of the class.
"Ahem" she starts.
No one listens, they all keep talking, me and Benjamin, if that's his name, are the only ones paying attention.
"Ahem" she says again.
"AHEM" she basically screams at the class, which caused half the class to jump out of their seats and pay attention.
"Finally, okay so welcome to Academic Level Chemistry, if you are in the wrong class, you may exit now. I will now go through attendance and call names."
When she says that, all I can think of is, 'Good now I can find out if the boys name really is Benjamin.'  She calls out name after name, not hitting me or the boy next to me. My last name is Kingston, so I should be soon. The boy then looks to me and laughs.
"What's so funny?" I ask
"Nothing it's just, there are so many names and they haven't even reached mine yet, I'm surprised"
"Oh, haha"
"Danielle Kingston?" the teacher calls out.
"Here!" I yell across from the back of the room.
"Benjamin Lenin?" The teacher then calls and amazingly the boy next to me replies, and that is how I knew I had good instincts, I just wish I learned sooner.
"Well Benjamin" I turn to face him, he was looking at me with a sly smile and a curious eye, it grasped me, but I couldn't quite understand why...
"Yes Danielle?"
"Ah, call me Dani, only my mom calls me Danielle, and trust me you won't want to be like her."
"Why not?" he asks curiously as if he was really really interested.
"She's overly crazy, overly protective, overly everything, she's not strict, she's just the typical mom that everybody thinks is lame." I reply and look back to my notebook.
"Okay class! My name is Mrs. Vema, I will be your Chemistry teacher for the entire semester, so get to know me, and if you don't like me, change classes!" She smiles and grabs a stack of paper next to her, "Now class, I'm going to give you a worksheet to see how much you learned last year to just get a feel of where to start in this class" She walks around, handing out papers, Benjamin and I being the last people to get them.
"So, you were saying about your mom?" Benjamin asked.
"Well, she's just a lame mom, no parties, no staying out past 10:30, no drugs, not that I would want to do them, but she would kill me if I did want to. Also any boyfriend I ever have, she hates them all, she's just crazy protective like that, which makes sense, I am an only child."
"I am an only child too actually," Benjamin replies.
"Really? Tell me about your family, what are they like?"
"Well it's actually just me and my dad.."
My face goes blank, here I am talking all about my mom when he isn't connected to his!
"Don't worry about me not having a mother figure, my mother abandoned our family when I was 8 months old, she only left a note, which I have seen. It basically read 'I'm sorry, I have to do this, you'll understand one day' shit, my dad said that she now lives in Ohio, with a new family and that he talks to her about once every year, she asks about me and he replies."
"Wow, I am so sorry" I say, looking at him, Benjamin has blue eyes and blonde hair, he's skinny and I can't tell how tall he is, but I would guess around 5 foot 10 inches.
"Don't be sorry" he shakes his head and looks at his non started paper, "It isn't your fault, after all." He says, and looks at me, I can tell this is a hard topic for him so I try to ease into a happier topic.
"Well away from the sadness, how do you name a compound?" I ask, laughing at myself for not even remembering this.
"Wow should you really be in Chemistry?" He laughs and we work together on the sheet, for once, it feels like I actually have a friend that doesn't hate me.

The next 3 periods go by very fast. I don't see Joey or Alison. I texted her but no answer, when lunch came, I just ate in the bathroom, really lame, but I didn't know what else to do. I went home and no one was there, typical, my mom should be at work, at least for another hour. I go upstairs and lay on my bed, trying to reach Alison. I call her and she finally answers.
"Where the hell were you?" I ask angrily.
"I was at the hospital all day, my aunt got in a car accident, and she had to go in for immediate surgery. By the time she was out, there was only 20 minutes left of school." She replied calmly.
"And you didn't think to text me anything about that? I ate lunch in the bathroom, the bathroom Ali!!"
"I'm sorry, I'll be there tomorrow, I promise." she says apologetically.
"Okay, see you tomorrow" I reply and hang up the phone, I throw it on my bed and look at the clock, only 3:12, I don't have work today, so I decide to text Joey, he said his house arrest is done so he should have his phone.

Danielle: Hey x

Joey: Hey you

Danielle: What you up to?

Joey: Homework :(

Danielle: On the first day? What homework did you get?

Joey: Math :(

Danielle: Ouch! I don't have math this semester

Joey: Lucky!!

Danielle: Well, should I leave you to your work?

Joey: No way! I could use a little positivity :)

Danielle: Okay!

We talked with what felt like hours, and turns out, it was! It was 8:23pm when Joey said he had to go get something to eat. I chose to have a shower, when I got out and cleaned my face free of dirt and oil, it was 9:08pm. I got into my comfortable clothes to sleep in and put on TV. I just watched stand-up comedy, I've always had a thing for stand-up, although I could never do it, it's funny. Kevin Hart is my favourite, he's so damn funny. I fall asleep watching Kevin, and I hear the TV turn off and my mom come over and kiss me on the head, and with that, I fall asleep completely, forgetting everything that could go wrong in my life.

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