Chapter 12| Pip

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"You're being irrational." Damien continues, walking towards me.

"I'm being irrational?" I ask, shocked. How am I being irrational when he just stopped time so I can't apologise to my friend?

"Yes. Gregory and Christophe will notice something is up if you apologise." Damien then hastily adds, "if they haven't already noticed due to the, you know, eye thing."

"Don't worry," I reassure Damien, which I shouldn't do. He doesn't exactly deserve reassurance, but I can't help myself. "They're not that smart."

"'Attended school at Yardale with a, can't exactly remember the score, grade average.'" Damien mocks, a British accent brushing over his words. "Isn't his last name Yardale? He has the same name as the school he attended.."

"The writer doesn't know his last name. It's just a lazy replacement for a name."

"She didn't look on the wiki?" Damien replies, eyebrow raised.

"Multiple times actually." I reply, "anyway, enough of this off topic discussion. They will not notice anything."

"They will notice Phillip," he says once more. "Then they will realise the exact problem, and then I'll have to leave you."

"So?" I reply simply. The thought of my normal life back, one without Damien's constant shenanigans, seems only a far off dream. Something I'll never get back. But I want it back. I really want it back.

Damien sighs, head down as he stares at the floor. His hair covers his eyes, stopping me from reading any emotion swimming within the red orbs. Damien moves, his hands grasping at my upper arms. Then, he pulls me against him.

His embrace is tight, as if he doesn't want to let go. His cheek rests against the top of my head. The hold is cold, but somehow warm. Quite like Damien.

"What are you doing?" I ask, cursing myself for the small squeak in my words.

"I don't want to leave you."

The words hit me like a hammer. They hit hard. It's a simple phrase, one only consisting of six words, but the way Damien spoke the words. The passion behind his voice, the tightness of his hold.

I've haven't been in many relationships, one to be exact, but I've read enough romance novels to know Damien's intentions when he spoke the words. He wants a romantic relationship. He doesn't want to leave me, because he wants to be with me. Romantically.

The overwhelming feelings coming from Damien only, a demon who claims to have no heart, confuse me to no end. I don't know how to feel about the ordeal. I don't know whether to wrap my arms back around Damien, (which would make the already long hug longer) or to push him away. I almost want to embrace him back, but the desire for my old life back overpowers any feelings of desire for Damien Thorn.

What if Gregory and Christophe do realise I've been possessed? What if they decide to do something about it? What if I'm freed from Damien, and I have my normal life back? My freedom?

That's what I want. To be free. To have free will, to live the life I want to live. Not a life controlled by Damien.

What little feelings I have for the dark haired male, which mostly consist of feelings attracted to his appearance and not his personality, are not worth sacrificing my freedom for.

I pull away from the unnecessarily long hug, the possibility of being free dominating any other thoughts in my mind. However, I almost reconsider what actions I would take when I see the look on Damien's face.

It's so sincere, so innocent. He's not smirking, there's not even a glint of humour in his eyes. Damien's hold seemed to have moved from my arms, and he lightly caresses my cheek with his left thumb, while the fingers of his right hand softly glide through my hair.

I don't pull away, I almost find myself leaning into the touch, even if I'm not sacrificing my life for the demon.

Strangely, Damien begins to lean closer. His gaze is trained on my lips, and I gulp. He's going to kiss me, I can tell.

If I pull away, he may think I'm going to speak to Gregory and Christophe. I am, but if he notices that he may never let me go. He may just possess me, so he can control me and keep me beside him forever.

I really don't want that.

So I let him kiss me. I let his lips briefly brush against mine, and I acknowledge the small shiver that runs down my spine. Damien is soft, gentle and almost shy as he kisses me. His lips move slowly, hesitantly, as if he doesn't know what he's doing.

I decide that I can't stand still any longer, or he may pull away and regret the whole thing. Slowly, but surely, I begin to kiss Damien back. I slip my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. His fingers tangle in my hair as we kiss, Damien no longer bring hesitant and slow.

I enjoy the kiss, it's soft, sweet, but ultimately I'm using it as a cover. I will get my freedom, no matter what.

Damien then pulls away, from the kiss and not my hold. My breath is slightly pitched, along with his.

"Wow." Damien whispers, fingers still tangled in my blond hair. I laugh.

"Could you maybe, unfreeze my friends?" I remove on hand from his waist to motion to Gregory and Christophe, frozen in place.

"I'd rather stay frozen in time like this." Damien mumbles, making me smile.

"That's sweet, but unrealistic." Damien laughs, then asks me if he's okay to possess me.

I sigh, but allow it. The possession is quick and mostly pain free, which is followed by Damien walking away from Gregory and Christophe then unfreezing time.


When you rush an ending

Possession (COMPLETED) (South Park) {DamienxPip}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant