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Three fanfictions

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1. Stalker - Clyde X Kevin
Until Clyde Donavon was paired with Kevin Stoley for a school project, he didn't know the dark haired nerd existed!
However, Kevin wasn't in the same position. He knew Clyde existed, and knew more than he should about the brunette. His underwear size, how long he brushed his teeth before bed (approximately three and a half minutes) and his cologne brand.
He knew all this, because Kevin was in love with Clyde. Madly in love. So mad, he's gotten to the point of stalking him.

2. Pride - Bradley (Cartman Sucks) X Butters
It's the month of Pride.
Leopold 'Butters' Stotch is all geared up in rainbow suspenders and short shorts, ready to wave a rainbow flag and celebrate with the rest of the LGBt+ community. It's a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky. Nothing could possibly ruin the parade of happiness and joy, nothing but horribly homophobic and traditional Christians.
Bradley is also at Pride, but on the side of the homophobic Christians. Clad in grey and black, he's forced to hold up signs and shout profanity toward the community. Bradley could cry; he'd rather be anywhere but here. He doesn't want to attack a community he's certain he is apart of.
Having a conscience and kind heart, Butters begins speaking to the distressed looking teen. A friendship blossoms, a friendship which could possibly evolve into something more.

3. Choir Boy - Gregory X Christophe
Christophe Delorne can be described in one phrase:
Hater of God and all things holy
Everyday the French boy curses God's name; when he wakes up, before meals and before he sleeps. Sick of his attitude, Christophe's mother demands he attends church, and literally drags him to every Sunday mass.
One visit, he spies an angel. Well, an angel in his eyes. This angel with the beautiful blonde locks and the blazing blue eyes is known as Gregory Yardale.
The Choir Boy.

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