Chapter 3| Damien

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Pip locking me out of his room is a mistake he will soon regret. He doesn't realise that being possessed is a gift. It means you've been chosen by a demon. It means you're special to that demon.

Phillip Pirrup is special to me. I just, find him so interesting. From his taste in literature, to the way he presents himself and speaks and the way he looks.

And yes, to a demon anyway, looks do matter.

Although I like him so, I have to punish him for the way he treats me. I'm aware that seeking revenge on the person you care for isn't actually a good way to get the care back, but it's my way.

When tomorrow graces us with its presence, when I'm able to possess Pip once more, I will do what I please. I will not fear the consequences for Pip. Even if the consequences do involve the police.

Maybe it would teach him not to be so rude.

I sigh to myself. Floating, I make my way to Pip's fathers study. That's where all the books are kept, and it's always fun to lose yourself in a world of fiction. Selecting a random title from the top shelf, I found its where his father keeps all of his horror novels, so they're out of Pip's reach, I sit down beside the unlit fire place.

With a simple snap of my fingers, the burnt coal of the fire lights, flames burning high. With the warmth of the heat hitting my usually cool skin, I sit cross my legs. As the book balances on my lap, I begin to read until tomorrow comes.


As soon as the birds start tweeting, I place the book back on its self. Stephan King is truly a horror master. I was so close to finishing IT, just a few pages away from the ending. However, Pip has tried to sneak out of the house without me once, and I'm positive he would definitely try again. So I don't take any chances now.

I make my way towards his bedroom, swiftly floating up the stairs and standing by his door. I knock, because I don't wish to walk in on him changing. I chose Pip because I found him very appealing in every way possible, but he seems like the type to embarrass easily.

Yet I would love to see his embarrassed face. His cheeks would most likely flare up, and he'd cover himself with whatever item he'd be holding. With his hair a mess, his eyes wide, he'd shove me out of his room.

That thought only causes my hand to cling to the door handle, and my mind screams at me to open the door. Just so I can witness what I imagined, although it's very unlikely that exact scenario would play out.

I control myself, removing my hand and waiting until Pip calls my name to open it. If he doesn't call me, I'll walk in regardless. If he so happens to be shirtless, it's just a nice treat for my eyes.

"You can enter Damien." Pip calls, silencing my thoughts as I twist the handle and enter his room.

He's not fully dressed, yet he's barely undressed. He's wearing a white dress shirt and short shorts, and that's about it. His shoes are set beside his door, his coat hanging above them on a hanger.

"You're going to attend school, like that?" I ask, motioning to his unfinished attire. "You're practically wearing nothing."

Pip clicks his tongue, and I have to hold back a smirk. It's what he does whenever he's frustrated. It's both adorable and hilarious.

Possession (COMPLETED) (South Park) {DamienxPip}Where stories live. Discover now