Ouchy Headache!

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Neko: *Sleeping*


Nell: Hey, wait your fat lazy butt up and type.


Neko: But I don't want to. *is still pretty much asleep*


Nell: Wake! Up!


Neko: Alright I'm up. Now what do you want?!?


Nell: Write the story.


Neko: B***, you woke me up for that?


Nell: Um yes.


Neko: I hate you.


Nell: I love you, too. Here have some ramen.


Naruto: (randomly appears) Ramen! Oh Neko doesn't own me (takes ramen and runs)


Neko: I'm going to kill you!


Nell: But you can't.


Neko: Fine then I'll hurt you, instead.


Nell: (runs)


Neko: You know I just realized Ramen sounds like Raw-men


Nell: (comes back) Haha Naruto likes Raw-men! haha


And begin! :)   (:   :{  :(:) I don't know now I'm bored. Don't forget to vote or comment!



“Awe man, I should go pack then.” Payne says.

“Yea probably.” I say remembering that I still have a few things to pack.

“Alright be ready in like an hour.” He say while heading upstairs. I follow to get ready for the day. Soon I'm done, so I head downstairs with my crap that I managed to get to fit in one bag. Then I randomly get a major headache.

“Hey, is this thing working?” I hear through pain.

“Ouchy!” I say.

“Sorry, talking to you must hurt right, now.” The voice says.

OH NO I messed up the Naruto worldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora