First impressions

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I haven't been on here in like forever so I made this chapter as long as I could. I hope you guys like it. Again sorry for the long wait. Just know even with the long breaks I will finish this book if its the last thing I do.

Nell: You've betrayed me!

Neko: How?

Nell: You forgot about us *sits in corner crying*

Neko: I did not. I've just had a lot on my plate lately. I'm sorry!!

Nell: Ok if that's all Neko doesn't own Naruto but If she did the Akatsuki would all have big orgy together, but sadly she doesn't, so they're just the awesome people we love. 

Neko: *duck tapes Nells mouth* They would not have an orgy, but I will say if they were mine the Akatsuki would get a crappy makeover because I can't draw.

Kathy: You can too draw. Its just your drawing style is different than Kishimoto Masashi.

Neko: Anyway Enjoy, tell me what you think about it, Um I didn't proof read so if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes tell me about them too. 

So its been a few days since we got back. I haven't seen Kathy the whole time. I miss her and mom, too. I haven't seen her in an even longer time. Anyway guess what I'm doing. Its something you'd never guess I'd do. If you guessed hugging Sasuke, then you're right. If not, well comment and tell me what you did guess. I want to know. Anyhow now you're all like 'Don't you not like Sasuke, why are you hugging him?' Well to answer that I got bored, and I don't hate the kid. He just gets annoying later on. But he doesn't need to know that.

“What are you doing?” Sasuke asks.

“Shh, I'm taking care of the fan girls. Just work with me, OK?” I say as I spot Sakura walking by.

“Hn.” He says giving a slight nod. Yay we're all sick of the fangirls! Sasuke turns around without me excepting it, and we fall backwards with me landing on my butt. I start laughing my a** off when I see Sakura's face, but I turn it into giggles.

“Oh Ducky-kun, you're so lovey-dovey but we're in public. Come on get off of me.” I say like I mean it. Ewe gag! Sasugay rolls off of me. Damn Sakura's face almost makes this worth it. She's bright red, but I can't tell if its angry or embarrassment. Then she runs away. Now I let myself burst out laughing. I see Sasugay chuckling, too.

“Ducky-kun?” He asks raising an eyebrow as he controls his chuckles.

“Shut up its the only thing I could think of that sounds like something I would say and meant in a loving way.” I say and push his head to the ground. “Eat dirt and die.” I get up and look at Kakashi and Naruto who've been watching the whole thing. “You're fan girls are really stupid and easy to trick.” I say over my shoulder to Duckbutt. “So Kakashi anymore Dummies, or are we done for the day?”

“You guys have no more D-rank missions or anything for the day.” He says emphasizing 'D-rank'. I roll my eyes and sit with my back to the fence. Mr. Emo walks away saying something about training and Kakashi goes poof. I look around and see a square rock? Oh this will be fun. For a good minute or so I watch Naruto get chased by the rock. Finally he stops and I zone out. I see Sakura and her team, and lift an eyebrow. I get up and hug tackle Kathy.

“Ouch, Nell!”

“I missed my sister!” I say hugging her tighter. She pushes me off and looks to Naruto. Huh looks like Sakura is saying her lines. Yay! She punches Naruto and Konohamaru. Then starts to walk away.

OH NO I messed up the Naruto worldDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora