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Naruto's POV

So Sasuke and I just found out that we'll be having a baby. I wasn't as excited as he was but the doctor did say we are the last of our kind. I sat in my chair in Sasuke's office while he went on commanding his ship. Kyuu was with me but he continued on shape shifting into a small child like version of either me or Sasuke. I swatted him away and headed for the bedroom when Kobra came in. I smiled at her and ran over to hug her. She laughed and hugged me back. She congratulated me but I didn't feel the happiness it was supposed to give. She notices and asked about it so we started talking about that. We soon started drifting off to how she was promoted to a canon manager, then Sasuke came in. He growled and stormed into the bedroom. I sighed and apologized to her then went to go check on my short-tempered lover. He's still my lover since he has not asked me out properly so therefore, I will not call him boyfriend. I shut the door as quietly as I could and climbed into bed with Sasuke. He didn't hold me so I poked his side. He almost hissed at me.

"Sasuke, what's going on?" I asked as I sat up an stared into his eyes.

He averted his gaze and stared at the ceiling. I pouted and climbed on top of him. I leaned forward until my chin rested upon his chest, I stared at him knowing he would get uncomfortable soon. He sighed heavily and looked down at me. I grinned and sat up; his hands automatically latched onto my waist to support me. This was comfortable but I knew nothing could ever be this right.

"Will you tell me what's wrong now?" I asked and began to massage his chest just the way he liked.

His eyes rolled back just a little when I massaged a tensed muscle. I continued to calm him as he thought about whether or not he should say. I waited patiently, he cleared his throat and spoke

"I hate how everyone is coming to visit you, I want to keep you away and safe." Sasuke said sounding like a pouty five-year-old.

I giggled and leaned forward; he tilted his head up and we kissed. I pulled back before it could get heated.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Besides don't you like that everyone knows I'm yours now? Figured you would. "I said and patted his chest.

Sasuke sighed and started to sit up. I rolled off him and fell to the bed. We stared at each other until he came closer. His breath was minty and warm, I smiled up at him. He smiled down at me, he sat back and pulled me up with him. I was place on his lap. He rested his chin on my shoulder and took in a huge breath.

"Naruto." He whispered

I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight. As he calmed himself, I pulled away.

"I have to go back to Kobra. " I said and kissed him once more before getting off him.

He pouted and turned over in bed. I smiled at his child like behavior then left. Kobra was still sitting in her chair when I returned. I apologized for being gone then started up on our conversation. Kyuu floated in and headed for the bedroom when he saw me and Kobra. He rammed his little body into my chest and made his natural speaking noises. I giggled and patted him down. Kobra excused herself and went to her bedroom, I sighed and headed back to Sasuke. I opened the door a bit to find Sasuke pouting and mumbling things under his breath. I giggled and opened the door more. Kyuu floated to his little jar and turned to stone, Sasuke watched him then he turned to me. I jumped on the bed and kissed him, Sasuke laughed and kissed me back. Sasuke turned us over and ate at my neck. I felt his canine teeth growing in but that just turned me on but then I remembered that baby.

"Sasuke...the baby..." I panted as his teeth sank into my neck vein.

Sasuke stopped all movement and pulled away from me. He stared at me then smiled and kissed me with my blood on his lips. I kissed him back getting a little dizzy. The door opened and Sasuke turned to it growling and holding me behind him. The crew member that was at the door shivered and hid behind the door. Sasuke continued to growl, I set my hand on his shoulder and pulled him back. I got off the bed and walked to the member and asked what was the matter. Sasuke growled louder and my Revilo instincts wanted me to hid behind him but I fought it and stayed put. The crew member soon left and I relaxed just a bit. I slowly turned to Sasuke to find him glaring at me then at the door. I swallowed hard and walked over to the bed.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He asked through his teeth.

I didn't answer knowing it wouldn't satisfy him, I reached for his chest and set both my hands on it. He relaxed quickly and sighed. I smiled up at him as he set his head down on my chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tight. He took in deep breaths then rolled off me and just stared up at the ceiling. I was now laying on top of him with a big smile on my face. Sasuke looked down at me with eyes filled with curiosity. I poked his chest then trailed my finger down to where my chin was.

"You, Mr. Grumpy Pants are going to be a father, are you always going to be grumpy?" I asked and I played with his shirt.

Sasuke sighed and held me, I cuddled into his chest and started to fall asleep. 

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