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Naruto's POV

I'm burning, that's all I could think about. My body felt like it had lava oozing through it. I didn't know what to do, I already got undressed but the heat didn't go away. I knew Sasuke came after me. He was standing at the entrance of the cave just staring, that didn't help much. I rolled around and felt myself heating up even more. I grew thirsty as the heat came at me even more. I held my hand out to Sasuke and he came over. He knelt by me and held my hand. His eyes were filled with lust, I groaned and reached low with my other hand. Sasuke's eyes traveled with it as I touched myself. His eyes widened and he looked away.

"Sas....it.." I managed to get out.

Sasuke didn't know what I meant so I pulled the hand that I had in my left and reached down with it. He must have gotten the memo and began to stroke my hardened member. I moaned and arched my back into his hand, he began to move quicker and the heat began to subside. When he stopped after I came the heat came at me full blast again. I groaned and continued to roll around. I needed something more, something deeper inside me. I looked to Sasuke and noticed blue fur growing where his natural hair was. I was going to say something when Sasuke turned away and stood. He began walking away from me pretending he didn't hear the noises coming out from my mouth.

"Sas.."I whispered breathlessly.

Sasuke continued to walk away, I got on all fours and crawled after him. The farther Sasuke went the worse the heat became. I began to hyperventilate and fell to the ground. I was in doggy position swaying my hips from side to side. I blinked and Sasuke was gone. I panicked; I don't want some other Revilo to find me. I tried my hardest to go back to the cave but when I crawled backwards, I slammed my butt into something hard. I looked over my shoulder with my face burning and breath gone. It was a blue beast, he had one tail and looked like a cat.

Its eyes were onyx colored and the fur looked to be silky, Sasuke. I moaned when he pushed against me, then something unexpected happened. I transformed into a fox. Sasuke licked my ears one at a time making me shiver. He bit my neck and dragged me back to the cave. I didn't squirm or try to run knowing he would kill me. It was strange, I never knew I was a Revilo until the doctor told me but it felt like I knew what I should be doing.

Soon I was laying with my belly touching the cold stone ground and Sasuke was pushing against me with his erection. He slipped in quickly as though I was slick like a woman. He began to move in and out of me. I was pushed into the ground more making my face scrap against it, I could hear Sasuke panting behind me as my body accepted his sperm. Once he was finished, I was emptied of his penis and slumped to the ground fully laying on my stomach. Sasuke had transformed back into his human form. He looked frightened and turned away. I slowly regained my breath; my body wasn't on fire anymore. I reached behind me and grabbed onto Sasuke's forearm.

"Thank you...for..that" I panted and began to sit up.

Sasuke pulled his arm away and stood there with his shoulders slouched and his head hanging low. I watched him carefully as he began to walk off leaving me alone again. I dressed and waited for him to come back, he didn't. I decided to follow his scent and found that the ship wasn't there anymore. I was left behind again. I broke down and cried. I wiped at the droplets falling down and hiccupped as I thought over things I had done wrong.

Then out of nowhere a ladder made of rope fell down in front of me and I heard feet pounding on the dirt behind me. I turned and found the ship's crew members running toward me with what looked like a chest. I stood up and climbed the ladder ignoring the complaints I received. I headed toward Sasuke's sleeping chamber and found the door locked. I pounded on it but I didn't get a reply. I felt my eyes water and my face flush. I slid down the door and just waited for the door to unlocked.

About three hours later the door finally opened making me fall back on my head. I groaned and looked up as I sat up right. Mizoruya was staring down at me with eyes filled with worry and love. She knelt and poked my cheek. I swatted her hand away and she smiled. I watched as she sat on the floor next to me. I opened my mouth to speak but she shook her head.

"He doesn't want to see you right now...he feels bad for what he did. Just let him be for a few more hours, he should be fine by dinner time, and Naruto?" She said as she began to stand and dust herself off, "Don't hate him for what he did." She said and walked away into Benji's arms.

I stood and slipped inside closing the door behind me. I was attacked by an orange blob known as Kyuu. I smiled and cuddled him to my chest as I went over to Sasuke's chair and sat in it. I stayed as quiet as I could while talking to Kyuu. He made gurgling noises as he spoke but I understood him clearly. I loved the way he just licked and made his reactions funny for me. He transformed into Sasuke and said something he would say, I giggled and gave him my opinions about it. He transformed again and this time he was me with a sad face. I frowned and poked his tummy. He gurgled and transformed back to his natural blob self. I heard the door to Sasuke's room open and I quickly stood up and looked down at my shoes. Kyuu hid behind my shoulder and looked at the door. Sasuke stepped out and sighed, I heard the door close again and felt heat coming from a different source then my own body.

"Naruto, I-"Sasuke began but I cut him off with a hug.

I had wrapped my arms around his neck and cried into his shoulders. I sighed and pulled away before he could hug back.

"It's okay Sasuke, I know. I don't blame you; it was because of the heat. I really think you shouldn't hate yourself over it..."I said and looked down at my shoes again.

Kyuu came out from behind me and transformed into Sasuke and motioned for him to hug me. Sasuke didn't move and he didn't say anything, I looked up at him. He was smiling down at me. I blushed and looked back down. Kyuu gurgled, I realized that was his laugh, and attempted to push me closer. I stepped closer and felt arms wrap themselves around my waist. I was pulled into a hard chest, I felt hot air being breathed onto my neck making me shiver. I wrapped my arms around Sasuke's neck and hid my tearing eyes in his shoulder as I tried to hold them back. The arms tightened and I heard a soft apology then lips on my neck. We stayed like that until Mizoruya came in with Benji and bowls of steaming rice and beef.

"Okay, love birds time for dinner. Benji convinced the chef to make the best food for the entire crew for finding the biggest treasure yet. "Mizoruya said and elbowed Benji softly, he blushed.

Sasuke chuckled and held me even tighter, I was now on my tiptoes trying to stay attached to him. Sasuke kissed my neck then my ear and pulled away. I looked up at him and smiled. Mizoruya held a bowl in between us and my stomach growled. I reached for it and turned toward Benji and thanked him. Sasuke wrapped his arms around me against and pulled me to his chest.

"Feed me, Naru." Sasuke said.

I frowned and swatted at his arms, "This is all mine." I said as I moved away.

Sasuke pouted cutely and grabbed the other bowl Benji had. Sasuke sat in his chair and I sat in mine across from him. Mizoruya and Benji just left and we ate in silence. Kyuu was staring down at the food in my bowl and I held out a spoonful of rice out to him when Sasuke stopped me.

"They can't eat our food; they have to have some type of jell." He said matter-of-factly.

I pouted and Kyuu melted, I thought of something jell like and finally came up with it.

"Can the chef make jelly? Can Kyuu eat that?" I asked as I leaned forward with hope.

Sasuke nodded and continued to eat. I handed him my bowl and ran out the room with Kyuu following behind me. 

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