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Sasuke's POV

I had woken up due to something clinging on to me. Turns out it was only Naruto and as I looked down at him, he seemed to be in pain. I was going to reach out to him when the sudden head rush from last night came to me. Naruto had given me a massage and I fell asleep. Naruto began to move giving me enough time to move away and let him have his dreams then remembered his face. I turned to him and shook him gently. He groaned and swatted at my hand, I chuckled then began to poke down his side. He rolled over and pulled the covers over his head. Then I got the greatest idea, he was used to the way a scrubber is woken up so I decided to wake him up the same way. I left the room and went to go get some cleaning supply. When I came back it was, he was awake and rubbing his eyes. He looked at me through hazy eyes then fell back onto the bed. I sighed and walked over to him, I poked him with the bottle of bleach.

"Naruto if you don't wake up now, I won't get you breakfast. "I joked.

That must have worked since he crashed his forehead against mine. I rubbed my head while he pulled the covers off and stood straight. Naruto nearly ripped the door off the hinges as his stomach growled. I pulled him back to my and kissed him softly.

"Morning. "I said and turned to the door.

Naruto followed at a distance then once we got out to the deck, he attached himself to my side. The crew members stared after and said their good mornings. Mizoruya was already heading toward the chef, her hair was mused in all directions and her pajamas were crinkled up and looked to be as though they were made of silk. Naruto must have smelled the breakfast because he sped off towards the kitchen. I smiled and followed him; I noticed the other crew members were staring at him. I growled loud enough for them to hear; Naruto disappeared behind the swinging doors just like Mizoruya did. I slipped inside once a crew member came out. Naruto was sitting at a table with Mizoruya and one of my top members, Benji. He and Mizoruya were a thing but they broke it once in a while to keep it interesting.

He was also my best friend, we thought of making a ship and sailing it to the legendary Treasure Planet. We still believed that we could make it one day. I grabbed a dish that the head chef made specially for me and sat down next to Naruto. Mizoruya already took my onions and Benji took my potatoes. Naruto eyed me and I nodded, he took a pancake. I ate the eggs that were left and just watched the other crew members. Naruto was antsy about something. When I was done, he stood and left, all the others watching as he left. I smirked at the way his butt moved. I looked over at Mizoruya whowas cuddling into Benji's neck.

He smirked at me and nodded, I stood and left to find Naruto. I passed by members that were chatting about some unimportant things. It was about Naruto's butt I growled and continued on, once I was outside the sun from the horizon almost burned my retinas. Naruto was standing on the rails holding onto a pole for support. I quietly went over and poked at him. He looked like he wasn't meant to be here, like my mind had made him up just to mess with me. I sighed and looked out to the endless sky.

The wind blew gently causing Naruto's and my hair to blow against us. I heard a gasp and turned to see Naruto looking down at me with huge blue orbs. I smirked and reached out to him, he took my hand and I helped him down. We stared at each other and then turned to the sky again. Naruto held my hand tight, I looked at the distant planets. The sun finally rose and the clouds began to form fluffier version of themselves.

I felt my arm being pulled and turned to Naruto, he was falling backwards and his eyes rolled back. I panicked and grabbed onto him tight pulling him up to me. Once I was able to wrap my arms around his waist and hold him up, I felt liquid on the back of his shirt. I patted it and slowly looked at my hand, it was blood. I looked up to see who had hurt Naruto and found no one. I picked him up bridal style and went to the doctor on board. As soon as I opened the door with my leg he stood and helped me, we set Naruto down with his butt to the air on the bed. Naruto was panting and trying to reach out to me.

I took his hand in mine and watched as the doctor undressed his torso. Blood was everywhere, most of it came out of his lower back. The doctor began to wipe at the blood that dripped from his waist then demanded me to do it, I obeyed and watched as something started to grow out of Naruto's lower back area. It was slimy and hairy. The doctor didn't know what it was so we just stared at Naruto's body as it came out. Naruto screamed out in pain then went silent when the appendage was fully out, it was a tail. A freaking tail was hurting my Naruto. Another one started to come out making Naruto scream and thrash around. I continued to wipe the blood that was spilling out of the opening while the doctor gave Naruto a morphine shot.

Soon Naruto was calm and quiet as his tails bloomed. There were nine in total, nine fucking tails that came out of Naruto. The doctor had ordered me to brush them with a brush but I never owned a hair brush in my life so I had to get Mizoruya's and wet it. I sat there in the infirmary brushing blood out of Naruto's tails. He began to stir as I brushed the last bit of blood from his eighth tail. He sat up quickly then fell down from the pain that must have shot through his spine. He turned and found me brushing calmly, his eyes were a different color. They weren't the cute blue that I loved so much but a crimson color as though he were angry and his eyes showed it.

"Sasuke?" he asked and sat on his bottom wincing a bit.

I smirked and continued to brush until a tail whipped me in the face. I growled at it and started to brush the last tail. Naruto just stared at me until I was done with it, I washed the brush out in clean water and set upside down to dry. Naruto leaned forward on his hands and knees and came inches from my face. His breath brushed against my lips urging me to kiss him but I didn't. He leaned in closer and smiled then planted a soft kiss against my chapped lips.

"Thank you." He said and moved to stand up.

I moved to help him but he ignored my help and stood firmly. The doctor had come back from getting some water, he noticed Naruto and set the bucket aside. He asked to examine Naruto's tails, Naruto allowed him. I watched him carefully making sure he didn't touch anything that wasn't his. He mumbled some things and went over to the book shelf he had in a corner. He pulled out an orange book and flipped through some pages and gasped. Naruto and I stared at him as though he was the one to grow nine tails. I cleared my throat making him jump.

"Captain, this boy here is a Revilo, and it states here that when the tails grow its mating season..sir."The doctor said.

I swear I could have heard the greatest words in the world just now or I could have heard Naruto's heart breaking. I turned to see Naruto blushing and fidgeting a bit. The doctor watched us carefully then flipped through some more pages and read what each had to say about mating.

"Also, Captain, it states here that he can mate with one other type of Revilo. Since he is the orange type, he can only mate with a raven colored one... sir ar-" the doctor started to say before I cut him off with a glare.

Naruto started to mumble something under his breath then squealed and ran out the infirmary. I turned to the doctor with a questioning look before running after Naruto. I found him on the deck almost half way to the looking tower, I started to climb up the latter and met him once he landed on the first landing, I grabbed him by the waist. Naruto squirmed and turned in my arms.

"Let go, I - I have to get there " Naruto said and pointed to a blue planet.

I followed his finger and stared at the planet; it was as though it were calling out to me. I let go of Naruto and yelled down to the members below. Soon the ship was headed in the blue planet direction. Naruto was stiff but his tails swayed in a way that made him look aroused. I could feel my true form trying to force itself out but I didn't let it.

Soon we were hovering above the ground of the planet and let a ladder fall to meet it. Naruto was the first to go down then I followed after smelling his arousal. The other crew members came down an went to search for the treasure I always tell them to look for. Naruto ran through what seemed like trees and disappeared into a cave. I followed him inside and found him pulling his clothes off. I felt my face flush as I watched him. He was panting and pulling at his skin like it burned it was something he didn't want. Then it hit me the scent of him came at me at full blast. It was a mixture between pine wood and oranges. I felt my pants tighten as the smell was sent through my body to my lungs. Naruto was now on the ground rolling around and breathing heavily, his tails were all split and revealed his entrance. I had just found my new treasure. 

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