Why do I try

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Why do I even try
When I know there is no end
Why do I even try
When I know I'm just a piece of shit

I'm you biggest mistake
Don't try to prove me wrong
I'm the thing you regret
I let you down and I know

You had so much hopes
Things you wanted in me
But look what you got
Look, this is me

You wanted a daughter,
One beautiful and smart
But look at my face,
Don't forget my arms

I'm a broken girl
That fakes a smile each day
Push away people
And cuts to feel pain

I can't say what I feel
Because my mouth is shut
I can't talk to you
Or even look you in the eyes

I know I broke your dreams,
That's why I'm braking my,
So I don't feel the emptiness
I cut myself at night

Why do I even try
Im just a waist of time
Why do I even try
I just want to be gone

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