Fuck it

542 31 5

Alone I am trapped, in my own silent screams.

Faking smiles because I prefer to appear how it seems.

But I dream of death as life means nothing to me

I beg for help in a way that no one can see.

If I slit my wrists you might tell me you care

If I hold a knife to my throat you might even be scared.

I wish no body loved me, then I could say my goodbyes.

life scares me more than death, no word of a lie.

I want to walk alone because I wont get attached,

Every time that I did I got stabbed in the back.

Ive fallen into a pit of depression and I cant get out,

and no one will help because no one can hear me shout.

I swear i got put on this earth to make people cry

And karma then told me i must watch them all die.

Im falling again, I get weaker by each day

because I dont have the strength anymore to say.

"I feel completely alone as insanity walks through the door

and tells me I dont want to live anymore"

I cant begin to explain all the fear that I hold

That my mind will grow numb and my heart will grow cold

Due to so many times I say "1 2 3"

and shut my eyes so I dont watch myself bleed

Im a slave to the razor and a friend to the cuts

Though I would be neither if i just had the guts

I want to be strong and happy each day

But when you are trapped, nothing is okay.

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