A Sacrifice Of Love

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(Raph's P.O.V)

Okay, so things didn't look too good right now. Donnie had gone bad and the weather was getting colder and windier by the minute. We had tried to brush away snow and make a fire on the floor in the lair, but just either it was still wet or snow would get on the fire so it got extinguished almost immediately or it was too windy. And I swear I saw a tiny hue of blue in my brothers and April's faces. At this moment I was jealous of Master Splinter, who had fur to keep himself warm, plus he was warm-blooded. But I knew not even his fur could keep the cold out for too long.

Leo was sitting on the couch and had his arms wrapped around Mikey, trying to keep him warm, and April was sitting beside them with her arms around herself to keep the warmth that she still had inside her jacket. Master Splinter was sitting beside Mikey and had a hand on his shoulder, and I guess it was because he was a bit upset about how things had turned out. And who could blame him? Donnie and Mikey had been really close ever since we had been kids. Sure we had all been close, but since Leo and I fought pretty often, Donnie and Mikey spent much time together and were pretty close friends and brothers. And it also helped that they both were the youngest. Then I saw the tears that ran down his cheeks. I sat down beside Leo and April, in the middle, an put my hand on Mikey's knee.

"It'll be okay Mikey. We'll find a way to make him go back to normal again, and become our brother again." Master Splinter looked at me and put his hand on my shoulder. He looked like what he was about to say pretty much killed him on the inside, but he felt like he needed to say it.

"Raphael, I understand your intentions and I want your brother back as well. But, as I told him once, you cannot force someone to do something they do not want to do. If this is what Donatello wants, we should respect that. Even if it is something we do not like ourselves." Leo looked up from his and Mikey's hug and bit his underlip and his went from side to side before releasing Mikey and tried his eyes with his forearm and stood up doing so.

"Then I guess we have no choice. We will be forced to fight him before he hurts someone and, if we have to, force him to stop this winter." April looked at Leo with surprised expression on her face and stood up. "But Leo, he said that he didn't know how to unfreeze this winter! Do you think that just because we force him to do this, he will automatically know how to do it?" Leo thought about what she said and then he sighed and let his head fall forward.

"Urg, you're right. But we have to find some way to make him see the light. Or else America is doomed. And even if he don't want to do this, we have no choice. I know Donnie and he would never do something like this, and not even mutagen could change that. I just know it. And now I think I understand what Alex was talking about before. All the times before we have been pushing him to tell us his secret, trying to make him open up to us and come with us and in the end trying to tell him what to do. This time I think I know what we need to do." He looked up from the ground and faced us.

"Let's hit the surface and fix this. And get our brother back this time!" Mikey, April and I rised from the ground and we turned to Master Splinter, who nodded at us and wished us a silent good luck, and we ran out of the lair and went to the surface. Our first challenge, removing the manhole. It was so heavy it took about ten minutes to remove it from its place. And when we finally did we had a hard time to climb out of the sewers and onto the streets. It blew harder and with more snow than it had before. You could barely see your hand in front of you, but we kept trying to walk through the snowstorm and stand upright while doing it.

"This snowstorm is really growing strong! Are you sure we can find Donnie in this weather?!" April shouted over the wind, and it was hard to hear what she said. Leo glanced around the alley we were in and then shouted to make himself heard.

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