Chapter 10

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Jasmyn's POV


I still wonder what caused this change in his mood. I know I was depressed. I was diagnosed with seasonal depression while I was a high school junior. But angry? I could never recall being angry when we talked. Should I try to call him?...

I thought about this for a few minutes. I made my final decision. I went to my  contacts, found the necessary number, and pressed call. I patiently waited for him to pick up.


~End Recap~

"Bastian! It's Jazz! What's up?" My voice all cheery. I've always had a soft spot for Sebastian, and when I found out about him running away from home because his mother was an abusive needle junkie I felt this overwhelming need to help him. I am quickly coming to realize that I'm always helping people, and most of the time I get treated like shit in return. Bastian was the only one that has never mistaken my kindness for weakness. He just sees me as someone doing the right thing. Even though he is five years younger than me, I love hanging out with him. And since Lisa has ditched me, along with everyone else in my group of family or friends. At least the ones I can tolerate being around. Bastian is my last call, he'll keep my mind off of Christian before I call him and make a fool of myself.

"I know it's you, Jazz. Your the only one saved in my phone as 'Raph The TMNT'. You know you're obsession with comic books and sports is really starting to make me think we have the same 'parts' and I don't think I could swing that way." He taunted me.

"I didn't hear you complaining when you ransacked my comic book collection!"

"This is very true. Anyway, what's up?"

"I was just calling to see if you were busy today. I really would like to spend some time with my future husband, ya know? Which reminds me, where is my ring?" Ever since I discovered he had a little crush on me when we were younger, I always told him he had once he got a ring on my finger that I would marry him. He even took the joke to the extent to get down on bended knee at the park and proposed to me with a candy ring! He truly was one of my best friends.

"I'm still saving up for that engagement ring, Babe. I can only work part time. We would already be married if you would've just accepted my candy ring years ago. But noooooo. You had to start throwing words out there like 'diamonds' and 'platinum' and how many 'carrots' you wanted. I don't know why you started talking about food though." I knew he was being a smart mouth. I already explained to him that I meant "karats" and what they were. Plus I could hear him trying to stifle a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah! So, are you gonna leave me here to melt my brain on social networks and pointless TV, or are you free to hang out with the most awesome woman alive?"

"Ummm... Let me check with my parents to see if there's anything I need to do today. I'll call you back in a few to let you know something."

"Okay. Love you, bye!"

"Love you too, Jazz."

After I hung up with Bass, I let my mind drift to Christian again. I wonder what he's doing right now. Is he in a meeting dressed in a suit and tie? Or maybe at the gym all hot and sweaty with his muscles rippling with every move he made? Maybe he's still curled up in bed with his lover. I wonder if he ever thought of me before Michael had said anything about me needing a job. Out of Kingston! If I called him, would he still have my number saved in his phone? Would he recognize my voice? Would he be happy, or upset if I called?

Before I realized what I was doing, I look at my phone to see Christian's contact on my phone screen. My thumb was just hovering over the call button. What if he's with a woman, and a little preoccupied? Would he answer the call? The better question is... Could I handle the heart break of hearing another woman call him back to her? Only one way to find out...

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