Harry's Future

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Harry's Future

Chapter 1

The following is Harry's Future, a possible continuation of Harry's adventure suggested by the final chapter and epilogue of book 7. The characters and locations are of course the intellectual property of JK Rowlings. Additional characters and situations have been developed for the purpose of this particular storyline.


As Harry, Ron and Hermione left Dumbledore's office, for that was how Harry would always think of it, he stopped them at the bottom of the staircase. Harry was tired. More tired than he could ever remember being. He scrubbed at his face with his hands and then looked at his best friends. They too looked all done in.

"Ron, Hermione, I'm exhausted. I think you are, too. Ron, I need to talk to your mum for a minute but I can't stand the idea of walking back into that crowded hall. I'm going to hide under the Invisibility Cloak and come up behind her. Would you let her know I'm there so I can whisper to her?"

"Sure thing, Harry. I'm ready for a long kip myself." He took Hermione by the hand, smiling shyly at her. "We'll walk in front so no one runs into you."

"Thanks, Ron."

He swirled the robe around his shoulders and pulled it up over his head. Ron and Hermione turned and slowly walked down the hallway with Harry silently trudging behind them. They eventually made their way to the Great Hall where people still sat in knots at the tables or stood in groups here and there. No one spoke loudly or celebrated the final defeat of Voldemort and his dreaded Death Eaters. There had been too many losses for it to be more than the most bittersweet of occasions. The Weasleys sat at the senior end of the Gryffindor table. Ginny was still leaning against her mother's shoulder as Harry had last seen her. Mr. Weasley sat on his wife's other side holding one hand in his. Across the table Bill, Charlie, Percy and George sat side by side largely silent but occasionally whispering a comment to one or other of them.

Mr. Weasley was the first to see Ron and Hermione come to stand at the head of the table. He gave them a small tired smile.

"Ah, there you are, son, Hermione. Where's Harry? Is he alright?"

The rest of the family looked up, concern showing through their grief.

"He's fine, Dad," Ron said quietly. "He's right behind you under his Invisibility Cloak. He needs to talk to Mum but he doesn't want anyone to notice he's here."

Mrs. Weasley raised her head up a bit.

"Harry, dear, what is it? Are you alright?"

The note of such genuine concern in her voice, despite the loss of her son, was enough to break Harry's heart. He took a deep, quiet breath and then leaned forward and spoke in a raspy whisper.

"Mrs. Weasley, I need to talk to you and the rest of the family but I'm nearly asleep on my feet. Can we talk sometime tomorrow? This is pretty important and I don't know who else I can turn to."

She turned as if to talk to her husband and whispered back to where she felt Harry was.

"Of course, Harry, dear. It will take some time to get this all under control so I think we'll have time to sort you out. We're all here for you."

"Thank you," was the best he could squeeze out through a tightening throat. He swallowed and then leaned sideways toward Ginny.


"Yes, Harry?"

"I need to talk to you too, about a lot of things. But right now I just need to ask one question."

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