Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Ginny sat in a chair that was pulled into the room that she and Harry always shared when they visited the Burrow. She sat and watched her husband sleeping. He had walked out of the field across the road from the house just as the sun was rising. He looked exhausted and somewhat distracted. He asked for something to eat and drink and that someone contact the Ministry and let them know he was back. He had been missing for three days. When informed of this fact by his nearly hysterical wife he gave her an odd look and said, 

"Three? Funny, it felt like less than a day." 

He then pulled Ginny into his arms and held her tightly as his entire body was wracked with shaking, much the same as had happened after the Centaurs had given him the bow and quiver of arrows. With her brother Bill's help they got him to the kitchen table where he polished off two tall tumblers of pumpkin juice and a plate full of cheese and meat slices and some bread from last night's dinner. 

No one asked any questions. They knew he would tell them what he could, when he could. He was in bed before the sun had separated from the eastern horizon and it was now well past sunset and he hadn't stirred. Only the gentle rise and fall of his chest and the occasional movement of his eyes gave any hint that he still lived. Ginny kept her vigil alone. Abagail had paid a brief visit around mid-morning to say her goodbyes. Bill was taking her back to Hogwarts via the Floo Network. Mrs. Weasley had come by at lunch time to giver her a small tray. Most of it remained untouched. She looked at Harry's pale face and the famous scar that looked somehow different tonight. Not as vivid as it once was. She said softly to herself, 

"Where have you been, my love, and what terrible thing have you had to do this time?" 

Tears ran down her cheek to fall into her lap. Around midnight as she dozed in the chair she was awakened by a noise. She opened her eyes and saw Harry stumble past her as he made his way to the door, out into the hallway and down to the nearest bathroom. She waited until she heard his bare feet padding back down the corridor. He walked back into the room and headed straight for the bed. As he crawled back under the covers he stopped and looked over at Ginny with the squint he always had when he wasn't wearing his glasses. 

"Have you been up reading, luv? It's getting late. Why don't you come to bed?" 

"Alright, Harry. You're right. I will," she replied quietly. 

She stood up and walked to her side of the bed, disrobed and climbed under the covers. She snuggled up to Harry and wrapped her arms around him. His skin felt warm, but dry. At least he wasn't feverish she thought. She heard him let out a long sigh and fall asleep. It took her some time to follow his example but at least for the first time in three days she knew where he was sleeping. 

Ginny woke up when she felt Harry stirring. When his eyes opened she thought they looked unfocused but that quickly passed and she saw a small smile curl the end of his lips. 

"Good morning, love. You alright this morning?" Harry asked quietly. 

"I'm fine, now that you're home. Any chance of getting an explanation of where you went and why?" 

"There is but can I have a little bit of time to pull my thoughts together? Things are a little jumbled up at the moment." 

"Alright, sweetheart, but don't keep me waiting long. You know what we agreed about secrets," she said. 

"I know. It's not that I don't want to tell you. I just don't know how to tell you. Not yet," he replied. 

"Well, the first thing you need to do is go take a shower. You have the smell of smoke and old basements about you. Then you need to have some breakfast." 

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