14 Love

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Harley awoke in a strong pair of arms. She looked up to see it was Zak who held her so protectively. "I had the strangest dream." She whispered to him. "Was it me and Aaron are angels and now your my girl?" He smiles at her. "How did you know?" She looked at him shocked. "Because it wasn't a dream. That really happened." She then sat up looking at the man who held her. Underneath him we're two giant pair of black wings. "So?"  "Your an angel?"  "Yes." He answered.  "That means your dead right?" She questioned him as she laid her head on his chest to see if their was a heartbeat. Sure enough there was. "Yes, I'm dead." He answered her. "So I'm dating a dead guy?" She's scrunched up her brow. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I completely understand."  "It's just going to take me getting use to. I still can't get over your wings."she gently runs her hand down them. "That feels good." Zak smiles at her so sweetly. "You can feel that?" She asked him shocked. "Yes."  "What does it feel like?" She asked curiously. She can't get over the fact he is an angel with wings. He gently pulls her down to him then runs his hand in her hair. "It feels like that." He smiled at her. "So your dead?"  "Yes, I still have human functions and human feelings. " He explained the best way he could. "So is this your real body?" "Yes, I looked like this when I was alive. Except the tattoos. We didn't have tattoos in my day."  "When did you get tattoos?"  "I got them twenty years ago. The one on my back I got about two years ago."  "I see, aren't tattoos a sin?" She gives him a smirk knowing all to better. "I sin all the time. So does Aaron and any other angel. Just because we are dead angels doesn't mean we don't sin and make mistakes. God forgives, he's very understanding." He sits up and stretches. He made his wings go out wide spreading across the room. He then hugged Harley wrapping his arms and wings around her. Harley laughed and giggled as she hugged him back. "Your wings are so warm." She smiled up at the angel. "I can keep you warm darling." He kissed her cheek. "Good, I'm always cold."  Zak let go then got up from the bed. "Where are you going?" She asks as she watched him walk away. "The bathroom, I still have human functions you know." He chuckled then shut the door. She got up getting dressed while he was busy tending to his needs. She finished up just as soon as he comes out. "My turn." She walks into the bathroom closing and locking the door behind her. She did her daily routine then goes out to her boyfriend who laid on the bed. He didn't have his wings out this time. "Awe, why are you hiding your wings?" She questioned sadly. She likes to look and touch his beautiful, soft wings. There's something so magical about them. Just knowing angels are real and her faith is true comforts her. Knowing he's there to protect her and keep her warm is a soothing thought. Her man of steal and true faith. Who would have thought she would be with a real angel. "Because I can't walk around town with them out." He smiles politely at her. "We are going out?" She sits on the bed with him. "Yes, I was thinking of treating my girl to a nice breakfast." He lays on her lap smiling up at her with happiness in his blue green eyes. "We can stay here and cuddle all day." She plays with his spikey jet black hair. "Leave it to you to want to cuddle." He chuckles lightly at her. "Leave it to you to want food." She smiles at him. "Forever hungry." He laughs lightly. "Aaron still sleeping?"  "You know him. He could sleep all day if I let him."  "True." She smiles as she runs her little fingers though his hair. "Maybe staying here and cuddling isn't such a bad idea." He beams up at her with a soft smile plastered on his face. "Well now I'm hungry."  "Okay, let's go eat then we can come back here." Zak plans. "Deal." She gets up grabbing her purse. Zak puts on a black shirt then his shoes. "Let's go." She plays around waiting by the door. "Patient my love." Zak smiled as he finished tieing his shoe. He stands up going over to her. He gently placed his large hands on her small waist pulling her to him. "I'm truly sorry for pushing you away. You just mean so much to me and I was scared to get closer to you." "Don't worry about it. That's all in the past now Zachary." She hugs him. "I made your life hell and made you want to end your life. I will never forgive myself."  He hugs her gently. "It's okay Zachary. I'm better now."  "Promise me something?" He breaths softly pulling back looking into her baby blue eyes. "What?"  "Your going to be completely honest with me. I want to know if you ever have thoughts of hurting yourself again."  "I promise." She looks into his eyes.  "Good, lets go eat." He kisses her head then opens the for for her. They walk down the tacky hotel hallway down to the car. He opened the car door for her. "Wow, i'm impressed." she smiled as she got in the black SUV. "I can be a gentleman when i want to be." he flashes her as sexy half grin. he closed the door heading to the drivers side of the car. Harley opened his door for him. Zak got in placing his buckle on then started driving. Zak drove with his left hand while his other hand was on Harley's thigh. "You know, I have only seen you drive me three times." Harley smiles at him.  "That's because I dont like driving to locations. It's too long for me."  "So how long have you been on earth? Why are you on earth?" She questioned him curiously. She wanted to know all about the angel before her. To pick his brain of what he has seen, what he knows, what he's been through. She wants to know it all. "Well i have been on Earth for thousands of years. I've fought in almost every war. Babylon, Civil War, World War one and two, and Vietnam. Those are just some you may know. Aaron has been by my side the whole time. You know he never changes. He's always the ray of sunshine. Me I've changed with the times. As the years passed so did my happiness. I was only focused on my mission and trying to get on The Lord's good side again. You may be wondering what our mission is my dear. You were helping with our mission and you didn't even know it. You see we were sent to earth to help the lost souls pick a side. Whether that be heaven or hell. They get to choose. We just talk to them know they can move on and aren't stuck on Earth any longer." he spills to her. Harley was just awe struck by his words. He's fought in all the major battles? That's just fascinating. "I was really depressed before i met you. I never smiled, never laughed, I was always looking on the dark side of things." He explained to her. "You my dear, are my saving grace so to speak." he smiles at her. "Really?" she smiled up at him widely. Little did she know how bad Zak really was. Little did she know of the late nights getting wasted, all the dark thoughts that went through his mind. She was the real angel sent to him. When she came into his life his world became heaven on earth. Always wanting to see and talk to her. Just being next to her makes him smile. They finally arrive to a nice restaurant, going in. The hostess shows them to their seats, handing them the menu. "So your a solider?" Harley asks him courisly. "Yes." he answered as he continued to look at his menu. "I've always liked military men." She smiled.  "I know." He returned her smile. "What's heaven like?"  "I'll tell you later." He sets down his menu. "Alright." She sighs. The waitress came taking their drinks and order. They chat until their food arrives. Harley had a burning desire to know all about heaven and God. She couldn't ask him because they were in public. Soon they finish up their meal, paying then leaving. They make it in the car heading back to the hotel. "What's heaven like?" She couldn't hold back any second longer.  "Just amazing, streets of gold, free food, everyone gets a fair share, you can fly through the clouds with no boundaries, and just so peaceful."  "Wow, what is God like?"  "He's a nice, powerful, wise God with lots of love and compassion in his heart."  "What does he look like?" She questioned like a giddy school girl. "I can't tell you that. It will ruin your faith. Read the Bible and you will know." Zak tells her. "Awe come on Zachary, you can tell me."  "I can't, I don't think I was even aloud to tell you as much as i did." Zak tells her flatly.  "Okay." They then pull up to the hotel. "Well, we are here." They get out going into the hotel lobby. Harley took Zak's hand in hers as they walked. This new romance between them excited her. They made it to the elevator. Zak pushed the button waiting for the doors to open. They finally opens letting the pair inside. Zak pushed the button to their floor. The doors closed and Harley pulled him to her kissing him in a fast pase. Zak was shocked then kissed her back pushing her against the wall. Their breathing was heavy as they kissed with passion. The doors open then they pull back. Zak took her hand leading her to his bedroom.

Zak opens the door then grabs the "please do not disturb" sign placing it on the door Then closes, locking the door, coming over to her

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Zak opens the door then grabs the "please do not disturb" sign placing it on the door Then closes, locking the door, coming over to her. She had her back pressed against the wall with her hands to her sides. Zak placed his hands on the wall on either side of her starring into her eyes. "Are you scared?" He breathed softly as he brushed her hair back behind her ear. "No." She said with a small voice. "Don't be." He leaned down to her neck and started kissing and sucking on it. Harley couldn't help but let out a sigh of pleasure. "Don't be scared." He breathed on her neck. "Okay." She grabbed the sides of his shirt. "Your a virgin correct?" He gently bit her neck. "Yes." She mumbled. "Let me show you how good it feels to be loved." He breathed then moved to her lips kissing and sucking on them. She was unable to wrap her mind around what she wanted. She wanted him but her faith strictly says sex after marriage. She wants him so bad but the Lord will disapprove. "So?" He breaths in between there locked lips. "Okay." She gave in. She's going to regret this decision sooner or later but right now she doesn't care. She wants him now. Zak's the only man who she approves of. Zak picked her up carrying her over to the bed. He throws her on then gets on top of her. He kissed her neck leaving a few hickies. He then went to her lips kissing her roughly as her slid his tongue in her mouth. He pulls off her shirt tossing it into the floor. He kissed down to her chest as he unbuckled her bra taking it off. Harley couldn't think of anything else but him. Zak then sucked on one of her breasts. She grabbed his hair holding him to her. She's never felt this way before and she was enjoying every second of it. He kissed down to her pant line then ran his tongue across her tender skin. Zak knows how to please a woman he has more than enough experience. He only has to learn what Harley likes. He took her pants off then took his off as well. Harley sat up, on her knees, kissing Zak. She had no idea what to do and Zak was well aware of that. She grabbed the bottom of his shirt lifting it over his head. She then gazed at the man in his boxers before smashing her mouth on his. She ran her hands up and his top half. She then tugged at the top of his boxers wanting them off. Zak pushed her against the bed climbing ontop of her. He was going to be in control. She was his. Zak kissed her neck while his hand grabbed her breast. He licked down to her black lace underwear. He kissed her right in the middle then bit her underwear taking them off with his teeth. Sexy bastard. He threw them on the ground then pushed her legs down on the bed. He then began to pleasure her in way she she never thought possiable. Zak pulled his boxers off revealing his manhood. Harley gave a crooked grin as she took every inch of his beautiful body in. He pressed his body against hers making her feel every inch of him. Zak went to her soft lips and began to kiss them as he moved his body up and down on her. "You ready?" He kissed her neck. "Yes." She breathed. He then slowly slide into her. She gasped at the feeling of him. She instantly dug her nails into his back. "Zak." She grabbed him tighter. "It's okay. I'll go easy on you." He slowly started to move his torso back and forth. "Mmm, Zak." She moaned softly. It hurt but felt so good. He picked up the pace a little bit. "Oh Zachary!!" She scratched his back screaming his name. "Shhh, you have to be quiet love." He growled.  "Zachary your so big." She mumbled as he went faster. "Ugh ugh mmm Zak!" The bed started rocking with them making squeaking noises from the frame. "Daddy yes oh yes." She felt so good. The pleasure she was feeling was indescribable. This is the best sin she had ever committed. "I'm going to cum." He growled as he gripped her tighter. "Please please." She begged him. Soon enough he did. He pulled out then took her in his arms. "I love you so much." He kisses her head. "I love you too, we better be getting married after this."  "Time will only tell." He smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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