12 Pain

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Harley and Zak have not gotten along in six months now. Zak makes Harley's life a complete hell. He hates every minute of it. To see her cry breaks his heart in two. Aaron hates to see his two best friends argue and fuss at each other. He treasures the time they film. That's the only time things go back to like they were. Harley use to drink the pain away. She would get drunk every night, but Aaron stopped her.

Harley was in her house all alone. She took her belt, placing it over the shower. She can't take any more of this. She's done. She ties it tight to the shower rod. This is it. She's going to kill herself. She places her head in the loop and jumps. She hung there, cutting off her oxygen. "Harley?!?" Aaron yells for her. He races upstairs to see her hanging there. "HARLEY!" The two angels yell. They pull her down, taking the belt from around her neck. "Harley, look at me. Look at me." Zak says as he gently smacks her face. She opened her eyes then gasped for air. "Harley, what were you thinking?" Aaron asks. Harley didn't answer but closed her eyes, focusing on breathing. "Harley, why would you try to kill yourself?" Zak asks her softly. "I hate my life. You put me through hell every day. I don't want to be around you anymore." She cries. Aaron hits Zak right in the face. "This is your fault! All because of you! ARE YOU HAPPY YOU MADE HER HANG HERSELF?!? IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED?!!" Aaron yells at Zak. Zak held his face in his hands. "No, not at all." "I HOPE YOU'RE FUCKING HAPPY!!" "IM NOT OKAY! I DIDNT KNOW SHED TRY TO KILL HERSELF!!" "WELL SHE DID AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT." Aaron pushes him. "YOU'RE A BULLY! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!! YOU'RE SO SELFISH!!" Aaron continued to yell at Zak. Harley gasped for air. "Don't worry, Harley; we will get you help." Aaron says as he pulls out his phone." "Yes, hello. My friend tried to commit suicide by hanging HERSELF. She's gasping for air and needs help." Aaron talks with 911. "Help is on the way." The lady on the phone says. "Harley, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me?" Zak takes her hand. "You leave!" Aaron pushes him. "No! She's my best friend too." Zak tells him sternly. "You're such a great friend. Making her kill herself." "Stop." Harley cries. "Don't worry, Harley help is on the way." Zak tells her. He never felt so bad in his entire existence. It's all his fault she tried to hang herself. The paramedics then come in. They check her air duct. "How long was she hanging?" A guy asks Aaron. "A minute." "She's lucky to be alive." He then helps Harley up. She would stumble to the ground. Zak picked her up and carried her down to the ambulance. He set her on the gurney and sat next to her. "I hate you." She tells Zak. "I'm sorry." He holds her hand, but she pulls back. "I want Aaron." She says hoarsely. "I'm right here, Harley." Aaron says from the foot of her bed. "I want you to ride with me." "Zak, get your ass out." Aaron tells him rudely. "I'm sorry, Harley." He gets up and gets out of the ambulance. He rushes over to his house, getting in his car. He follows the ambulance to the hospital. He parks his car then goes in with Harley. She was sleeping on her bed with an air tube in her nose. "Just go, Zak. You've done enough." Aaron says, lowly. "No, I love her, and I'm not going to leave her side when she needs help." He sits in a chair next to his. "How could you be so selfish? You know she told me she tried to quit? She said you wouldn't let her." "That's right. I didn't want her to leave." He confirms it. "She said you offered her more money to stay." "That's right." "And all this time, it didn't dawn on you how bad you were affecting her?" "I guess it didn't sink in until today." He sighs heavily. "I hope you're happy. Causing a sweet girl like Harley to kill herself." "I'm not. I hate myself, okay. I just wish I didn't have feelings for her. It would make everything a lot easier." He yells. "Or maybe you could I don't know to date her. Ask God to give you another member to help the lost souls."

"I'm not in a position to ask favors from him." He sighs. "Well, I will then." He offers. "Aaron, I have no chance with her now. I've ruined her. She hates me." Zak holds his head in his large hands. He's pushed her away. She has no love in her heart for him anymore. "Just tell her why. She'll understand. It's time we come clean to her." Aaron puts his hand on Zak's back. "Okay, when she's ready." He agrees. Harley soon woke up. "My head hurts." She tells Arron. Then he looks around the room. "You're in the hospital, Harley." Zak tells her softly. "I know where I am." She barks at him. "Don't speak too me like that." "Harley, don't. Just rest." Aaron keeps her from arguing. "I want to go home." "You can't." Aaron sighs. "Mr. Bagans." A doctor comes into the room. "Yes?" "We are sending her to another hospital to her help." He tells us. "Where?" "Rolling hills. It's a hospital for people who need mental help. For example, people who tried to commit suicide would go there."

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