11 Hate

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It's been a week since the crew has arrived home. Harley was sitting in her living room on her expensive black leather couch. She looked at the fancy clock on the wall to see it was afternoon. She picked up her keys then headed out to her black 2016 Chevy truck. She got in blaring 80's music. She jammed out as she drove to the grocery store. She was determined to get back on Zak's good side. She wants her best friend back. She arrived at the busy store getting out and parking her truck. She goes inside buying a beautiful flower arrangement with red roses and white babys breath. She then walks over to the cooler grabbing Zak's favorite drink, naked. She then walked to the candy isle gazing at all the different types of delicious treats. She reaches her hand out grabbing Zak's favorite candy. She puts it in her cart heading to check out. The lines were short with unhappy workers lining the lines. She puts her things up and pays for them. She finally finished at the store and drove her nice expensive black truck to Zak's house. She grabs the bag along with the flowers. She rings the doorbell waiting for Zak to answer. Zak answers with shock on his face. "Harley, what are you doing?" He asks her softly. "I want you to forgive me. You're my best friend Zachary." She hands him the flowers and candy. "It's all of your favorites." She smiles at him. "Harley." Zak sighs. "Can we please continue to be friends? Nothing more nothing less. I miss having you around me all the time."

"You miss that because you have a crush on me." He tells me. "Not anymore." She lies. Of course she still loves him. Everything about him drives her heart insane. "You still like me." He grabs the stuff shutting the door in her face. "Zachary!" She knocks on the door fanticly. How could he do that? She opens the door walking in. "What are you doing in here?" "Why are you pushing me away because I had a crush on you? I don't understand." "Because I don't like you. I thought I made that clear." He tells her rudly as he puts the flowers and candy in the trash. Harley felt her heart drop into her stomach. He's throwing everything away. "Zak don't start this." "Okay here's the deal. We can be friends around Aaron and the cameras." He tells her crossing his arms. "I want to be friends all of the time." She grabs the things out of the trash. She'll take them if he doesn't want them. "Zak why the sudden change? Just because I had a crush on you?" "Harley, leave." He tells her rudely as his nostrils flared. He point to the door wanting her to leave his house. "Zak, you're my best friend. Why are you pushing me away?" "I think it's time you knew the truth. I never liked you Harley. I used you." He lies to her. "That's not true! You can't fake how we were." "Well I did. Get your fucking ass out of my house." He yells pointing to the door. Harley looked down at the ground with her heart in pieces. "I wish Aaron never told you. I wish you didn't come into my room. I just want my best friend back." She tells him with tears streaming down her face. Zak couldn't bare to look at her. He can't see the woman he loves in complete sadness. To hear her shaky unstable voice is enough for him.

"Hey guys! Did you two make up? I saw Harley's car in the driveway." Aron comes burying in the house. "Something like that." Zak says as he grabs the flowers from Harley's grasp. "She bought me flowers and my favorite drink along with my favorite candy." Zak smiles as he opens the naked drink. "Aww isn't that hat a sweet." Aaron smiles. "Yeah, it was." Zak smiles down Aaron. "I think you two should hug it out." Aaron smiles as gen sits in a chair at the granite island. "No we are good." Zak shakes his head in refusal. "Nope, you need to hug it out. How am I supposed to know you two really made up? The two friends I know would hug immediately after a fight." Aaron smiles. "Aaron, mind your own business." Zak starts to get testy. "Fine, then no me either." Aaron tells him. Zak goes over to Harley hugging her. "I'm sorry." He lies to her for Aaron. "Please don't need do it again." Harley replies with a shaky voice. Zak then pulls back looking at Aaron. "You happy now?" Zak says rudely throwing his arms out to the side. "Yes, because I knew the whole thing was fake. I heard you two yelling from out side." Aaron drops the bomb. "If you knew we didn't make up then why the hell did you make me hug her?" Zak gets livid clinching his fists. "Because Harley needed you to say sorry." "Whatever." Zak rolled his eyes pissy. "Hey sweetheart, I was wondering if you'd like dinner with me tonight?" Aaron asks Harley. "What?" Harley wipes her eyes. "I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me tonight?" Aaron asks again. Harley looked at Aaron then at Zak. Zak had squinted eyes, pierced lips, and clenched hands. "I'd love to." Harley looks back at Aaron. "Great, I'll pick you up at eight." Aaron smiles happily. Zak looked at Aaron completely pissed. He promised Zak he wouldn't make a move on Harley. He just broke bro code. "Where are we going?" Harley asks wanting to know the attire. "My place. I have all the food already." "You planned this?" Zak asks Aaron shocked. "Yes." Aaron nods. Zak felt betrayed. His best friend has made a move on Harley. That's his girl. She doesn't deserve a guy like Aaron. He's going to use her. She's probably going to get her pregnant. "Well come on Harley. Let's leave Scrooge alone." Aaron takes Harley's hand. "Wait so is this a date?" Zak asks. "If she wants it to be." Aaron says to his fellow angel. Zak was silent waiting for Harley's response. She looked up at Zak seeing how hurt he was. She then looked at Aaron. "Yes." She finally answers. Zak felt his heart drop. She's with his best friend. "Come on love. Lets go." Aaron pulls them to the door. "Don't you want to hang here until your date?" Zak says so he can keep an eye on them. "No, I don't want her to cry anymore." Aaron opens the door. "Harley?" Zak calls her. "Yes?" She turns around saying. "I'm sorry."

"I don't think you are." Harley storms out. "How could you!?! You promised me!" Zak snaps at Aaron. "Oh well maybe you should have thought about that before you shunned her." Aaron closes the door. What has he done? He has to stop this date. Zak races around all day looking For new investigations. He finally found one Navada penitentiary. He makes several calls and finally gets permission to investigate it next week. He looks at the clock to see it was ten. What? He missed their date? He goes over to Aaron's house, passing Harley's. He opens the door to Aaron's house walking in. He goes to the living room to see them making out on the couch. Zak felt his dead heart break into tiny pieces. "Hey!" Zak yells trying to get them off of each other. Aaron pulled back and looked at a Zak. "She kissed me." Aaron tells him. "Zachary." Harley whines. "No, quiet Harley." Zak tells her sternly. "Zak I love you. You're my best friend. Take me back please?" She cries again. Zak looked at Aaron shocked. "What's wrong with her?"

"She's drunk. She drank a whole bottle of wine. I tried to get her to stop but she wouldn't."

"You got her drunk!?! What were you planning on doing next?" Zak loses his temper as evil thoughts began to race to his head.

"Waiting for you to show up. That's the whole reason I had this little date. I wanted you two to make up." Aaron explains his plan. He couldn't stand to see his two best friends fight and barely speak to each other with out one getting hurt.

"That's why you had the date?" Zak was taken back.

"Yeah." Zak looked at him shocked. "Was she apart of it?"

"Yes, she knew." Aaron confirms.

"You two played me?"

"We both want it to go back to old times." Aaron admits. "You know I can't do that." "Fine." Aaron sighs then looks back at Harley. Harley then kisses him again. Aaron pulled back looking at Zak. "She's wasted." He tells Zak. "I'll take her home." He goes over to Harley. She wore a beautiful black cocktail dress that went to her knees, heels that were on the couch, hair that was curled in ringlets. She looked stunning. Zak helps her off the couch and leads her to the door. She was stumbling and tripping every step. Zak then picked her up in his arms bridal style. "You're so strong Zachary." She slurred. "Thanks love." He smiles widely. She's so drunk. He gets her to her room helping her get into her pjs. She then hugged him. "I love you." She tells him a bit slurred. "I love you too Harley. I'm sorry for being so cruel to you." He apologized from his heart. "It's okay my dark angel." She smiles up at him wrapping her arms around his neck. "Harley? What are you doing?" He asks her shocked. "Trust me love." She then gets on her toes pulling him down to her. Their lips meet creating a spark between them. Zak placed his hands on her waist holding her close as they shape their lips around each other's. Zak never felt more complete then in this moment. His heart went absolutely crazy. They both pulled back breathing heavily. "Stay with me dark angel." She breaths. "I have to go home." He runs his fingers through her hair leaning down to kiss her again. Her hands were at the bottom of his shirt trying to pull it over his head. Zak pulled back looking at her. "Please Zachary." She begged for his love. "No, I have to go now." He leads her to the bed. She gets in and goes to sleep. He grabs some aleve and water for her putting it on her nightstand. He might come check on her tomorrow. He leaves her house then goes to Aaron's. Aaron was cleaning up his kitchen. "So, how did it go putting the mortal to bed?" He smiles. "It was great. We kissed twice." He smiles as he sits on the couch. "Isn't she such a good kisser?" He smiles widely. "Amazing and there was like this spark. Like when our lips met my whole world lite up." He smiles thinking about how magical it was. "G, stop being an ass and just date the woman. You two were meant to be." Aaron tells him plopping down next to his fellow angel. "I don't know. She's mortal." "So? Who gives a damn if she's mortal. We were too." Aaron protests. "I'll think about it Aaron." "Well please do. Now I'm going to bed. My wings are killing to come out." He goes upstairs. "Night." Zak goes out the door over to his house. He locks the door and takes his shirt off releasing his wings. He goes up the stairs into his bathroom. He turns on the shower and gets in. He kissed Harley. He smiled at the very thought of it. He finished getting clean then went to bed thinking about the amazing kiss.

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