13 Reveal

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It's been a month since Zak dropped Harley off at the hospital. He promised her he'll take her out when she's better. He and Aaron just got back from an investigation. He is going to see how Harley is today. He drives to the hospital and gets out. He goes up to her floor. He signs in then waits in the waiting room. Harley then comes in. She had her hair brushed, and she wore clean clothes. She looked good. "Hey, Zachary." She smiles, sitting down. "Hello, Harley. How are you feeling?" He asks her kindly. "Much better." She smiles at him. "Do you still have thoughts of hurting yourself?" He asks her. "Oh, no. I found better ways to cope." She smiles. "Like what?" He asks her. "I draw and write." She returns his smile. "I don't know if that's good copping love. No offense. I read your diary, and that's what got you here." "You did what?"

"Sorry, Aaron, and I found the knife and the book. We were curious." He explains. "Whatever I don't feel that way anymore. I don't have feelings for you anymore." She crosses her arms. Zak sighs. "Harley, I want to have what we had before."

"No, thank you." "Harley, I'm sorry. I was a real asshole to you. I regret it every single day." "Good, you made my life hell." "I know, and I want to make it up to you. I'm going to come clean about everything." He tells her. "Save it. I don't care. It's over zak. I just want to go home and get out of this hell hole." "Harley, don't you want to know? Don't you want to hear my reasons?" "Not really. I don't care anymore. I want to go home and take a hot shower." She tells Him rudely. Zak sighs then hold his head. "Harley, you were right about everything." He tells her. "I don't believe in angels anymore." She tells him. "You're not one. Angels are supposed to be kind and sweet."

"Not all angels are." He tells her simply. "Just get me out of here." She crosses her arms, getting heated. "Get your things." He stands up. Harley runs away to go pack.

She then comes back with all her things ready to leave. The lady's at the desk discharged her and let them leave. Zak grabs Harley's bag carrying it for her. "I want to go home and take a nice warm bath." She tells him. "Okay, Aaron wants to see you first." He tells her softly. "Okay." She nods in understanding. She sat in his expensive sports car with leather seats. Zak got it and started the purring car. He drove to their neighborhood. "When I saw the next investigation?" She asks him. "Next week." He answered as he pulled into Aaron's driveway. They got out and went to the door. Aaron opened the door before they could knock. "Harley." Aaron hugs her. "Hey, Arron." She hugs him back. "Come in." He takes her hand, leading them inside. "How do you feel?" He asks her as he pours her some rootbeer. "Better." She has merely said not wanting to go into detail. "That's good. I've missed you." He comes over and hugs her again. "I missed you too, Arron." She smiles up at him. "So, what did I miss?" Harley asks him. "Just two stellar investigations." He sits next to her. "Where did you guys go?" She asks curiously. "We went to the ax murder house and Vladimir's castle." "Nice." She smiles. "Yeah, we are going to the Lotis Hall next week." "Everyone gets possessed there," Zak adds in. "Awesome." She tells Zak rudely.

Zak and Harley have been butting heads since she got out. Zak has tried several times to tell her his secret, but she would block him out and swear at him.

The investigation, the crew, goes inside, ready for the lockdown. The team brought some people to do the ouija board with them. Aaron did it with the other man joining the investigation. "What do you want?" Zak asks the spirit they were communicating with. The piece then started moving. "What did it spell?" Zak asks. "Harley," Aaron answered. "Harley, you should go wait in the car," Zak tells her kindly. "No." she sits on the bed, being stubborn. The other guy then left, leaving the crew alone in the house. "Alright, lets split up." Zak starts grabbing a camera from the bed. "I'll go into the bedroom across the hall, and Arron will go to the one next to this one. Harley, your in this one." Zak says, taking command. "Alright." She nodded. The crew splits up, going in separate directions.

Zak heard a thud against the wall coming from Harley's room. "Harley, was that you?" He calls and out to her. He waited for no reply. "Ugh!" He heard her scream, followed by another loud thud. He races over to her to see her shaking on the floor. "STOP!!" She screamed. "Harley?" Zak panicked as he watched her twitch on the floor. The angel's wings tingled from the darkness around Harley. She stopped shaking then looked at her hands. "Harley, are you okay?" Zak asks her as he continued to film her. "Haha, Harley is gone." She laughed in a low dark laugh. "Get out of her!" Zak commanded the demon. "Never, this is my body now." He protested. "No, it is not. Now get the hell out of her!!" "You still care for her, isn't that sweet. You're in love with this mortal. You pushed her away because you loved her!" He snaps. "GET OUT OF HER NOW!!" He takes her shirt in his hands. "Don't touch me, or I will kill her." He begins to shake violently. Harley withered in pain on the floor. "Harley." Zak tried to get to her, but Aaron holds him back. She stops shaking then sits up. "Harley?" Zak calls her still panicked. "Zak Zak help." She breaths. She then slammed against the wall. "Isn't that cute. She's calling you for help. She still loves you." He mocks Zak. "Get out of here now!!" Zak gets pissed by the second. "God, please help Harley! I beg you, Father. Help her!" He pleaded with the Lord. "You can't get rid of me. This is my new body." He snarls. "Get the hell out now!!" Zak shoves him against the wall. "Harley, fight this, push him out. Please, baby girl. Come back to me. I'm sorry for pushing you away. I was scared because I love you. I'll explain everything when you get back. Please love to fight this." Zak apologizes, he truly meant every word he said. He loves Harley and regrets pushing her away. She's tried to quit and kill herself because of him. He'll do anything to have her back in his protective arms. He misses her sweet smile and her contagious laughter, their long talks, and the time they spent together. "Baby, please," Zak whispers. Harley shook then laid down on the ground. The darkness is surrounding her left. She slowly opened her eyes. "Harley?" Zak asks, hopefully. "Zachary?" She mumbled out of breath. "Is that you?" Zak asks as he grabs her hand. "Yeah, it's me. Zak, is that true? Is that why you pushed me away?" She looked into the angel's eyes, seeing a dark pair of wings flash behind him. "Yes, I'll explain everything off-camera." He sits her up. "I don't like it here." She tells him scared. "Let's leave. This lockdown Is over." He helps her stand up. Her legs were too weak, so he picked her up in his strong arms. He carried her to the car and set her in. "We are going to pack up; then, we are going back to the hotel room." Zak kisses her cheek. "Okay." She mumbles before shutting her eyes.

She then wakes up in her hotel room with the guys sitting watching her. "Hey, Harley." Zak smiles at her. "Hi." She sits up. "It's best if you stay seated. We need to talk." Zak starts. "About?" "Everything." He then takes off his shirt, and Arron does the same. "Harley, I'm in love with you, and I pushed you away because I was scared. Aaron and I are angels. We have wings and other abilities." Zak tells her. "Zak stop bullshitting me." She snaps. "Harley, it's the truth. We are angels. We were sent to earth to help the lost souls pass on and take their side." Aaron helps his fellow angel. "I don't believe you." Just then, Zak winced from the pain of his wings breaking from their fleshy prison. Aaron did the same. Before she stood two angels with the most beautiful wings, she gasped, shocked. They weren't lying. "We are angels," Zak tells her once more. She sat in the bed, scared. "Don't be scared. We are the same guys, Harley." Zak goes over and sits on the bed with her. She reached out and touched his wings. They felt so soft but so durable at the same time. She brushed them with her hand. "Can you feel that?" She asked him as she continued to stroke his wings. "Yes, that feels good." He smiles at her. "Why are yours, black?" She asked him. "Because I haven't earned my white pair yet." He tells her simply. "Oh."

"You were right about everything Harley." He brushes her face with the back of his hand. "I knew it." She breaths. "Even for a mortal, you're pretty intelligent." He smiles softly, then leans in. She soon felt his lips on hers. There was a spark between them. "Yay." Aaron smiles as he watches them kiss. Their mouths shaped around each other. Harley pulled back, breathing heavily. "I know this is rushed, but will you be my girl?" Zak asks her. "I thought you'd never ask." She smiles then hugs him. They pull back and smile. "Alright, I'm going to bed." Aaron hides his wings. Harley continued to play with Zak's wings. "They feel so soft," she tells them. "They are soft but hella strong." He smiles proudly. "My angel." She lays her head on his chest. "I'm your guardian angel." He kisses the top of her head. "That you are." She smiles happily. They lay in bed in each other's arms. Harley played with his wings until she fell asleep.

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