I'll Stay Babe

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Hey I just met you,

And this is crazy,

But here's my number,

So call me maybe.


Cooking. Was. My. Life.

Honestly, it made me so happy. I could honestly be dieing and I would be all peachy if I could be cooking. Maybe that was a bit of an exageration but not by far. Anything from Swedish Meatballs to Crème brûlée to Conquito. I could do it all. Whenever I found a new recipe BAM! Christmas morning like never before.

In a typical household, Mummy is the Queen of the kitchen, Daddio takes care of bills, and the kids are the kids. And you might have a dog or some pet. In my household, I was the cook/chef, Mother dearest was the gardener and tax attorny (very diverse in her hobbies), my father did the cleaning (a bit of a neat freak) and my brother was the football maniac. And we had no dog because my Mum was alergic.

What I'm getting at is, I adored cooking. Home Economics in highschool was my forté and my highest grade besides Calc. I was surprisingly good at Calc. Instead of coming home and checking Twitter, which sadly I always forgot about Twitter, I'd go look up a new recipe or define an old recipe or create my own. Basically my childhood consisted of ovens and knives instead of crayons and balloons.

When I graduated highschool, I went off to a college of the arts that specilized in cooking cuisine. In London. Great, right? Duh, stupid. I guess what the whole point of my shveil on cooking was that it led me to a certain place where I met someone. Somone who made my heart become a gymnast, made my stomach have an infestation of butterflies, and made my eyes soften like a piece of butter on a crisp warm slice of toast.

Someone that loved my quirks and my love of cooking. Someone that let me be Sofia Thanos.

I'll Stay Babe (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now