chapter 31

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Jon and I arrive back in Tampa and it's great to be home

We arrive at my house and immediately go to my room

We wake up and I lean over to see Jon still asleep, I decide to wake him up so we can go get food

"Jon" I say poking him he moves a bit but doesn't wake up so I repeat my actions

"Jon" this time I say it a bit louder while I poke his ribcage, he swats my hand away rolling onto his side with his back facing me

"How rude" I say crossing my arms, I smirk to myself and kick him off the bed

"Samaria Alexis Anoa'i" he growls leaning on the bed scowling at me I laugh getting up and running out of the room, I look behind to see Jon on my tail not far behind

He grabs my waist and we fall on the couch

"Why did you kick me off the bed Sammi?" He growls in my ear pulling me closer to his body

"I want food and you weren't waking up" I pout and he laughs wrapping his arms around my abdomen

"Ok let's go" he says looking down at me and I smile jumping out of his grasp and running to the room to change out of my pajamas

Jon walks in as I just slipped my shirt off, he whistles smirking, he comes up behind me kissing my shoulder

"Love you Sam" he whispers hugging me "I love you too darling" I smile taking in his scent

We arrive at iHop and I jump out of the car and I hear Jon laugh as I skip towards the door, I open the door and wait for Jon

He walks in and we get seated, I look over to see an old couple sitting beside us laughing

I lean over and whisper to Jon "oh my God that is true love" I say as I see their wedding bands

"Excuse me can I ask you two a question?" Jon speaks up catching the elderly couples attention I mouth sorry

"What's the question son?" The older man says sitting up but still holding his wife's hands in his hands

" My girlfriend and I are wondering how long you've been together?" He says

"Me and my wife have been together for 61 years and married for 58" the man says "Mary has been the light of my life since the day I laid eyes on her in 1955 I tried so hard to get one date"

"We went dancing I remember we danced all night long and I knew this was the guy I wanted to marry and 3 years later we are" she smiles as he kisses her knuckles

"How long have you two young ones been together?" He asks

"1 month soon" I smile

" Just love each other everyday and remember the reason you love each other"

"Before we leave what are your two name?" The older man asks

" My name is Jon" Jon introduces himself

" My name is Samaria bit everyone calls me Sam or Alex which is middle name" I say smiling

" My name is Donald and this wonderful lady is my wife Mary" gleams

"Well we have to go it was nice talking to you two" Donald says standing up and grabbing his wife's hand and paying the bill and grabbing her hand lacing his fingers with hers

"Oh my god they were so cute" I say smiling grabbing Jon's hands

"You're cute" Jon says kissing my hands after putting them between his much larger hands

After we eat we decide to go to the beach as cliche as it sounds we walked on the beach holding hands and talking

For those who are wondering my son Luca is with my dad again, my dad often takes him when I go back on the road and I pick him up the day after I get home because I'm usually tired and sleep all day it isn't fair for Luca if he wants to do something

"Should we go pick Luca up soon?" Jon asks as we near my car, I nod my head jumping in the driver's seat

We pull up to my dad's place and jog up the pathway, I open the door and walk in

"I'm home!" I shout kicking my shoes off with Jon is suite

"loʻu afafine(my daughter)" my dad says pulling me in for a hug "hello Jon" he says shaking Jon's hand

"Hello sir" he says smiling at my dad

I feel my phone buzz in my jacket pocket
Unknown name
Unknown number

Play happy family with Jon all you want, just know he won't be able to protect you forever 😉

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