Ch. 8[part 2]

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*Phil/CM Punk*

I jump back in my car and start following the ambulance after I finally caught up to it.

I pull into the hospital parking lot and rush to the ambulance

"Cena!" I shout running up to him

"Phil!" John says running up to me but looking back at Alex

"What the hell happened?" I ask standing in front of him "she blacked out" he said as we walk into the emergancy room

"Any idea why?" I ask as we walk into waiting room "I dont know it might be all the stress she's been going through" John say "I should call Joe and 'em incase" he says standing up and walking outside


I walk outside and call Joe

"Cena?" Joe asks as he answers

"Hey Joe I have to tell you something and you're going to freak but she's ok dude" I say sounding as calm as possible "ok whatsup?" "Alex is in the hospital she fainted earlier" i say leaning against the wall

"what I'll be there in a day" he says before hanging up.

I walk back inside and sit with Phil, we sit there waiting for the doctor to update us on Alex

"Samaria Anoa'i" the doctor says

"Hi doc" I say as we stand in front of him

"You relatives?" He asks

"No we're her close friends her family is back in Pensacola and her brother Joe is on his way" Phil says

"Ok well your friend has been under a lot of stress and an Anxiety attack do to it she fainted" he starts " do you know what could've caused all this stress?" "Uh yah her boyfriend of 6 years has cheated on her and with work she might of been through a lot of stress" I say

"Well she is in perfect condition just make sure she's gets a lot of rest and doesn't get stressed out" he says handing the clip board to a nurse "ok does she need any medication?" Phil ask knowing Alex doesn't like taking pills "uh yes she does daily to be persice" "what kind?" I ask "anxiety and stress pills one in the morning and one in the afternoon" he says taking two capsales with pills out of his jacket and handing them to Phil, Phil hands them to me.

"When can we take her home?" I ask "tomorrow we want to monitor her for the night" "ok thanks doc" i say as my phone buzzs

From: Reigns

Hey Cena on flight be there soon

To: Reigns

Ok she's being held over night

I put my phone away and jump into Phils car and we head back


After I told Jon and Josh, I knew I had to tell Stephanie and Paul.

I finish telling them and race to Jon and I's locker room

"Yo Joe whats going on" he ask as I throw my gear in my bag and bag

"Alex is in the hospital" I say "im coming" he says standing up and grabbing his stuff I nod and werace to the rental car and speed off to the airport

"Call Steph and Paul" I say as we pull in and return the car

After Jon calls Steph we race for the first flight to Tampa.

*Skip flight*

We get in a taxi and give him Alexs address

"Do you think she's alright?" Jon asks his leg bouncing "ya...ya she's fine" i say stalling in middle.

We pull into the house and I pay the man and we race up the door and opening to see my beautiful wife and daughter on the couch

"JoJo" I whisper

"DADDY!" She shouts jumping into my arms

"Ha you miss me?" I say kissing her cheek  "yes! Yes! Yes!" She said doing Bryans 'yes chant'

"Where's Luca?" I ask April sitting beside her and kissing her "with your dad" she says smiling, Luca was a major grandpas boy.

"Whens Alex coming home?" Jon asks looking out the window "Phil texted saying they're on their way back now" she says looking at her phone then back to Jon.

John walks in with Alex by his side

"Hey Joe!" She says smiling at me "hey babygirl" I say getting up and hugging her and picking her up carrying her to the couch.

"Cena, Punk can we talk in the kitchen?" I ask looking at them and Jon

We walk into the kitchen and sit at the table

"Ok so why'd she black out?"

"She had a Anxiety attack and the doctor said she was under to much stress" Phil says "she has to take anxiety and stress pills everyday" John says handing me 2 capsales with pills in them

"We need to keep her mind off Jeff" I say "that's most likely the reason she had an anxiety attack or all the stress she's been under"

"Colby was saying Jeff was upset with her cause she didnt watch TNA and all so they were fighting and I guess he was mad and he cheated" John says.

We finish talking and head back in the livingroom to see JoJo attempting to braid her moms hair and Alex sleeping, I carry Alex to her room and lay down with her.

"Hey joe go be with your family I'll stay with her" Jon says walking "ok thanks brother" I say getting up and walking downstairs


I lay with Alex as she sleeps

"I love you Samaria Alexis Anoa'i" I say kissing her cheek and laying back down and fall asleep with her in my arms

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