The Fair with Louis

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I got Esme to come to the Fair, to get her head off this shit.

She needs a break, she's probably just pissed off at zayn...again.

Zayn needs. To take a chill pill seriously.

Esme's P,O.V.

I get dresses in some skinny jeans and a purple flowy blouse and my phone starts vibrating..a message from... cookie monster haha no its Liam

From Liam

hey ez weres Nat?

to Liam

mall with zayn

From Liam

Um why?

To Liam

Cuz zayn is zayn

From Liam

Oh ok

To Liam

I know you like her bro

From Liam

What how??

To Liam

I'm esme I always know

From Liam

Do u think she likes me?

To Liam

Big time. Try asking her out

From Liam

I will then :) thanks ez

To Liam

No problemo its my job

Louis: hey are ya ready esme

Esme: umm yeah hold up

I quickly sip on some toms and go out the door.

Esme: ready Freddy

Louis: lets go then

he smiles and we walk to his car and when in the care we drive in silence but it was not awkward more like a comfortable silence while holding hands.

Nats P.O.V.

ma and zany were just done shopping and decided to go to the.... FAIR YESSSSSSSSSSSSS

zany: exited?

Nat: no...

Zany: then I guess we won't go

Nat: no no no I am exited see?

I smile a creepy smile and he chuckles and nods while driving to da fair 😆

-at the fair-still nat's p.o.v.

We got to the fair and rode some rides and found ..... ESME AND LEWIS WOOOOOO

Esme: hay girls hayyyy

Zayn glares at Esme and she puts her head down, says something to Louis and walks away.

Nat: were did she go?

Louis: she went to buy some funnel cake

Nat: oh ok

Zayn; I'm gonna be nice and pay for her

I smile at him and Louis looks unsure

Louis: um okay

Zany's POV


She's ruining my chances with Nat

I go to Esme and grab her wrist

Esme's P.O.V

I feel someone grab my wrist... really hard and it fuckin hurts

Esme: ouch what the duck

Zayn: what the fuck is your fuckin problem

Esme: at the moment its your hand on my wrist that stuff hurts

He grabs my wrist tighter and I flinch

Esme : ouuuuch stoop it

Zany: your fuckin ruining my chances with nathaly and you know that, will you stop doing that

Esme: no thanks hun id rather have her marry a hobo that date you okay so I don't care if u rip my wrist off but I'm not stopping, your getting rather annoying

Zany: and your not?

Esme: no cuz I haven't done anything to you

He grabs my wrst even tighter, I flinch but am not giving in so I give him a sweet smile... but this stuff hurts,,, especially since he's a vampire.

Esme: let go

Zany: no

Esme; zayn I'm warning you... let go.

Zany: no thanks,

He grabs my wrist even tighter and I punch him in the face with my other hand, he lets go and I run up to Louis

Esme: hey Louis um can we go please?

Louis: yeah sure, we can stop by a McDonald's while were going if your hungry

I see zayn really passed off and coming this way


Esme: okay lets go

I grab Louis hand a use vampire speed to the car.

Louis: what happens?

Esme: talk later drive now

I got myself into some deep shit


sorry more of a filler I guess and ill update tomorrow or maybe today if I finish my hw okay ilysfm thanks if ur reading,,,, stay BEAUTIFUL or handsome... whatever suits you-Esme

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