You embarass yourself

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Danny: the time had come to meet his mum and her boyfriend. You were already nervous enough as it were, but on top of that you were running about an hour late because you had been freaking out before leaving. Just as you got out of the car you went to say hello to Danny's mum. She pulled you into a hug "hello love, it's nice to meet the woman who makes my boy so happy." Except when you lean in to hug her, your skirt rips down the back and there's no way people won't notice. Luckily for you, your man is a babe and very discreetly handed you his blazer to cover up. Nobody noticed, but you were humiliated nevertheless.

Dougie: a magazine was doing a special feature on Dougie Poynter so they had asked you to do a short interview about him as his girlfriend. You agreed to do it seeing as it would mean so much to Doug especially after everything he had been through with the media. A positive story was exactly what he needed. The interview went really well and you made sure to say a lot of nice things about him. That was right up until they asked you what the most embarrassing experience you two had had together was. Sort of forgetting you were being interviewed for a huge magazine you told them the story of how the rest of the band had once been in the bathroom of the hotel room you and Dougie were shading. It was in Japan and the guys were fascinated by the toilets, but you didn't realize they were in there, and things between you and Dougie were getting a bit heated. But then they sort of burst out of the bathroom and ran out of the room, knowing what was really going on. After the interview you decided to let Dougie read about it himself when the feature came out rather than you having to explain it twice.

Harry: this was before you and Harry got together. You had been invited over to hear some of the new songs that mcfly had been working on. Little did you know that Harry was desperately trying to ask you out. Anyways, as you were having dinner you embarrassingly spilled tomato soup down the front of your shirt and had to go and wash it off. In the bathroom you could see that your bra was damaged beyond repair so you took it off. In that moment, the bathroom door is opened and Harry walks in with one of his tees. "Oh god I am so sorry!" He says as he turns around. "I just wanted to bring you this shirt to wear instead." You, being embarrassed as well put on his shirt and sniffed it because it smelled just like him. Seeing you wearing his clothes, he couldn't have been more attracted to you.

Tom: you were very pregnant with you and Tom's baby. You were told by the doctors that it could happen any day. While waiting for your baby, you had nothing much to do. So while Tom was practicing for the tour with mcbusted you went out shopping for baby supplies yourself. As you walked out of a clothing store you felt a 'pop' and then a rush of water. "Oh no" this wasn't supposed to happen without Tom! Being very pregnant and full of hormones you sat down on a bench and started full on crying. Lots of store assistants had seen what had happened and they called an ambulance for you. Tom had been called too and was rushing to the hospital. You just kept bawling your eyes out, almost sure you scared a poor shop assistant with your swearing. Anyways, fast forward to the hospital you were doing much better in the company of your Tom. At least as good as someone giving birth can feel.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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