Cute moments

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Danny: Danny was not necessarily a closed off person, but he wasn't very good at sharing small details about himself. For example you had no idea what his favourite colour, food or who his childhood hero was. So you took it upon yourself to do a bit of googling. Before you knew it you had been watching old Mcfly interviews for two hours straight. You didn't notice until Danny came home and asked you why you were watching them. You blushed furiously and mumbled "It's just that I don't know all these things about you and then I got hooked on watching all of you when you were young and cute." He laughs and hugs you to his chest. "Well I grew up in Bolton outside of Manchester. My sister Vicky and I always used to..." You stayed up all night with him telling you as many details of his life as he could.

Dougie: You always teamed up with Harry to tease Dougie. It always started out innocently with the aim for a hug, but always turned into a wrestle with Dougie wriggling away from your embrace. This time the two of you snuck into the room where Dougie was taking a nap on a couch. Harry jumped on top of him on the couch and said "Good morning Dougie. Did you have a nice nap?". "No, get away from me Harry," he says exasperated. That was the moment you joined in and started tickling Dougie. He started writhing and laughing. "Okay if you close your eyes I'll give you a kiss," you tell him. He stops wriggling and closes his eyes. You had pre-planned this with Harry and he leans in and kisses Dougie right on the mouth. At the very last second Dougie opens his eyes to see Harry planting his lips on his mouth. You started laughing so much you cried.

Harry: you and Harry were having lunch with your parents for the first time. He took a long time to get ready and when he finally enters the kitchen, you realise you're both wearing a black t-shirt with jeans. "No, no we can't match, your parents will think I'm weird," he says, making you smile. You decide to both change to make it fair. Instead you changed into a white tee with black skinny jeans. As you walk into the kitchen Harry shrieks. He's wearing the same thing again. "Omg we have to change again!" He says. "But Harry we will be late," you try to reason with him. "Please babe," he begs. "I want to make a good first impression." It didn't matter that your parents most likely wouldn't even notice. You decided to change into a dress this time, since it was highly unlikely you would match. As you walk out for the third time, Harry smiles at you and takes your hand as you walk out the door. You notice that he's wearing a striped shirt that matches your dress, but you don't tell him.

Tom: It was one early morning in April and you had a sudden need to go swimming in the sea. You woke up Tom and told him this. "Well let's go then, we can pack some lunch and have a picnic." You were excited that Tom shared your crazy spontaneous and adventurous side. The water was absolutely freezing and even colder after you got out. Safe to say you skipped the picnic and went straight home under the blankets watching Sherlock reruns.

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