(Fighting Darius) Penny And Darius

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Penny: I still remember the first moment I laid my eyes on him. The most beautiful man I'd ever seen. The lightest of blond hair. Sharp angular features. The most perfect porcelain skin. Pink firm lips. A big muscular, powerful body. The moment our eyes met, something happened. Everything and everyone else faded away. Those intense icy blue eyes were like magnets pulling me in. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Our eyes met constantly across the room. He would be the first to tear his eyes away.

He's so powerful, though. So charismatic. I could feel his power from across the room. He's a lycan. The head of the Royal warrior. I'm just a regular werewolf. I can't stop thinking about him. I made up my mind that I will make him love me. I would fight for what I wanted. I would deny my own mate if it meant I get to keep him.

I laid my heart out for him. He kept pushing me away. Three years I went after him single-mindedly. Then one day he pushed too far...and I'm tired of fighting for us. There's no us. There never was. I'm just a fool. I'm done fighting.

I made up my mind that I'm going to go out there and start living. No more pining over an unattainable man. I will lose my virginity. Over and over again. I mean, why hold on to it, right? It's not like I'm getting an award for keeping it the longest. Not likely that my mate will keep his virginity for me too. Darius certainly didn't. Why the double standard?

So, why can't he just leave me alone now? Why is he so hellbent on breaking me? Stupid lycan. Ughhh...stupid, stupid lycan.

Darius: The moment I laid my eyes on her, I knew she's my erasthai. The one. The exotic looking dark haired beauty. Big dark eyes taunting me. Haunting me.

Only I'm not looking for the one. My life as a head of the Royal special task force is very dangerous and violent. I'm a warrior, there's no room for a mate. A mate will make you weak. It would endanger her life if any of my enemies found out about her. She's safer with her mate. When she finds her mate.

For three years she came after me. Wherever I went, there she was. I ignored her, I pushed her away, I showed up with other women on my arm, but she kept coming back. She kept haunting me in my sleep and when I was awake.

Then it happened. She finally gave up. For some reason, that makes me mad. Not only she gave up, but she gets this crazy idea that she's going to lose her virginity to some random strangers. Fvck that! That's not going to happen. Nobody else is touching her. I'll make her wait until she finds her mate.

She's so stubborn, though. So, why can't I leave her alone?


So that's roughly and basically Penny and Darius. I'm still wondering if it should be just a short novella (just a few chapters) and continue it in this book, or I should make it longer in another book just for them.

Feel free to shoot a few suggestions my way, girls!



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