◇ 《 09.》◇

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Nate POV.

I got up this morning feeling like I usually do just a bit more tired. I hate Mondays and the realisation that I a presumably straight male am having a crush on Ryan. Okay, maybe the later one I'm still doubting a bit. None the less it didn't stop me from being really nervous.

I dressed up did my morning routine and went down to the kitchen. As always I was greeted with the sweet scent of freshly cooked breakfast. My step-mom was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading some magazine.

" Good morning, Sally." I greeted her smiling and she smiled back. I sat down beside her after taking my breakfast from the kitchen counter.

" Are you, okay?" she asked me after some time. At first, I didn't know what she meant by that but then it dawns on me that I must have still looked quite nervous.

" Yes, totally. Why?" I looked at her confused. It can't be that obvious, right?

" You look nervous sweetie and kind of like you are in a daze since you came back from that match yesterday. " Shit, I really am an open book when it comes to things like this. Now, how should I answer this? I already know I'm going to lie.

" Umm...there is just going to be this big exam in ... maths and I hope it won't going to be hard." I lied easily. She still looked sceptical but went with it.

She nodded than wished me good look on it before going to Cia's room to wake her up too. They went to kindergarten later today so I had to walk to school, which I should do more.

I stepped out of our front door and the slight spring breeze greeted me. The weather was beautiful, it was warm but just enough so that I could still keep on my jacket. It was so calming that by the time I arrived at the school I was no longer nervous.

I went straight to my locker to find Cameron leaning next to it, texting someone his fingers moved with the speed of light. Wonder who he is talking to? I stopped by him staying there for like half a minute, thinking when will he notice me being there.

" Morning, Cam." I greeted and watched with amusement as he jumped a solid 2 feet in the air.

" Hey. Nate, how long have you been here?" he asked after calming down.

" A minute max," I answered. I opened my locker getting my books and stuff and slamming it shut after.

" So how are you with this whole crush on Ryan thing?" as soon as he said that I tensed up again. I don't know what's with me? I mean I could just say I don't have a crush on him and that'sit, right? But somehow it didn't sound right not even in my mind.

" I don't know, dude" I sighed. " I'm not even sure if I have a crush on him."

" Then let's find out!" he said with much too enthusiasm.

" And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" I asked. He just grinned and winked at me not giving an answer.

Our first class was History which is fine but really boring, especially with a teacher who has the most monotonous voice. Half the class was already sleeping and the other half was about fell asleep. I was saved when the bell rang, my next class was math which I had Ryan in. What should I do? For now, I will just act like normal.

When I arrived there weren't many people in so it didn't surprise me that I didn't see my supposed crush either.

However, when the teacher came in and Ryan was still nowhere I felt myself relax but after a moment worries flew through me. I turned around and looked at Aaron.

" Where is Ryan?" I mouthed so I wouldn't get caught speaking. He shrugged his shoulders.

" I don't know. He might have overslept and just stayed home." He said back. I nodded and turned back. I hope he isn't sick, maybe I should go see him after school.

And that's just what I did. I went home as fast as I could. I don't know why I was in such a hurry. I throw my bag down in my room then pulled the extra notes I did for Ryan out of it. I was almost running down the stairs when Sally called from the living room.

" Nate!" I walked into where I heard her calling. She was watching Cinderella with Alicia and eating cookies. Cia loved princesses and whenever we watched one of those movies with her she always had a tiara on top of her head.

" Are you going somewhere? Already?" she asked as she saw me.

" Yeah, I'm going to a friend to give them the homework." She nodded smiling.

" I cooked some chocolate cookies, you should take them some." She said. " Who is this friend of yours?"

„Ryan," I answered absentmindedly as I turned towards the kitchen.

" New friend?" I nodded and she smiled than bid goodbye. I looked at Alicia and saw that she was sleeping peacefully.

I put some cookies in a container and put one in my mouth too. Delicious! I said goodbye one more time before walking out the door. I talked with Ryan's mom before so I wouldn't just barge in randomly.

I arrived at their door and knocked, his mom opened the door and told me to go upstairs to Ryan's room because he is taking a shower right now.

I went in and put the cookies on his desk and then looked around. I was in his room before but now it looked a bit messier.

I walked up to his window and looked out when the door creaked open. I turned my head that way just to find myself face to face with Ryan just in a pink towel. It really was a sight to see, as his ripped abdomen was still glistening as the light hit the waterdrops. His wet hair was pushed back. He looked truly gorgeous. That's when I know that Cam was right, I do have a crush on him, I mean I do find him really, really attractive. My face was heating up the longer I looked so I just hung my head down as fast as I could.

„Hi, Ryan... " I greeted still studying his floor. This is awkward, I just openly checked him out. What am I going to do?

~~ × ~~  End of Chapter ~~ × ~~~

Hello, I'm back finally.Also I hate when I catch a cold, its just soooo annoying.Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and pray for me to write the next one faster. XD

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