♡《 01 》♡

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×× ☆ ×× Ryan POV. ×× ☆ ××

I ain't gonna brag about myself in the beginning, you will find out enough things during reading. By the way I'm Ryan Collins and I'm currently late for football practice, coach is going to bite my head off. I'm not the captain but coach said I'm a really important player and if I will be late again he gonna deal with me and not in a nice way. The practices are usually before school so its pretty hard to wake up. Heck, even waking up for school is hard.Its just too early for me.

I put some clothes on randomly and slung my bag over my shoulder. I ran down the stairs and bid goodbye to my family before dashing out of the house. I didn't have a car but I'm planning on buying one. The school is actually isn't that far away from our house but running between them in the morning isn't the best. Early practice, right?

I went straight to the lockers and changed as fast as I could. I have been doing this for a while now so I'm quite fast. After this I dashed to the field to see that everyone was lining up for the run. Practice always starts with run after the warm up of course. Coach saw me and I could tell even from there that he wasn't happy but let me off with a glare.
I quickly stretched and whatnot and went to stand beside my bestie, Aaron. He is tall and has green eyes with brown hair. He is almost the same hight as me. His skin is a bit tanned and he has a pierced ear so girls are all over him. He gave me one of famous smirks and patted my shoulder.

" You've beaten your record, man. I thought I'm not gonna see your ugly face for at least 5 more minutes. " he said laughing.

" Laugh all you want but I'm gonna beat you at running. " it was my time to smirk. We started to stand into position and when coach blowed his whistle we dashed off. I was the first one but Aaron was close behind me. I didn't pay attention to the other guys. The morning runs had their good side too : I was always first.

Practice was practice. The same thing happens always : running, football practicing than strategy planning for the upcoming matches. After changing back to our clothes we headed to our classes. I had maths first with Aaron and some of the other jocks. I hated math because I was the worst from that. Never understood a thing. Although I was quite good in the other subjects but math was just not my thing. I still liked that class but for an entirely different reason, and that is Nathaniel Wilde. I felt this connection towards him since the day I saw him. In the beginning I couldn't put these feelings anywhere, I didn't know what they were. But now I know.

Yeah, I'm gay and head over heals for Nate. My bestie here and my family knows but no one else. Bad thing that he is straight he had a girlfriend before. They had a nasty break up and the whole school knew about it that's how I "met" him. I never actually talked to him but I know he got A+ from every subject. Not to mention he is fucking cute. Sorry just telling the truth. He has the biggest, most stunning blue eyes. He has brown hair and a quite pale skin. I don't really know much about him still. I know he is friends with Cameron.

Anyway, we sat at the back of the class and lucky me Nate sat before me like always. The class was boring and I didn't understand a thing the teacher was saying. I need a tutor but no one I know is smart enough for this. The other jocks are even worse than me so they are a no but they are the only ones I'm close enough with.

Maybe, just maybe I should ask Nate. I mean I was too afraid to approach him all this time. I'm the biggest guy in school, I 'm a quarterback and am afraid of talking to my crush. Pathetic ain't it.

It was lunch time when I saw him again. I tried growing some balls during classes. Aaron kinda got pissed off of me whining about it to him, but he still gave an encouraging push towards Nate's table. Everyone at our and their table was looking at me, except Nate. I was freaking nervous. When I was finally there I stopped beside Nate. He was oblivious to the whole thing until I stood beside him. He looked up with those beautiful blue eyes of his and stared at me questioningly.

" Hi. " that was my awkard answer for the stare. I couldn't look up, and started to rub my neck.

" Hey, Ryan. What can I help you with? " he asked. I was like a crushing teenage girl inside. He knew my name! Dumb me, of course he knew.

" Umm...can I talk to you for a second? " he nodded. So I gestured him to follow me because I didn't trust my voice. His friend Cameron, had worried look on his face so I shot him a smile. When we were out of the cafeteria I stopped and turned around. It looked like Nate wasn't paying attention because he bumped into me. That little touch sent my body on fire, maybe this was a bad idea. But it made me realise how much am I really attracted to him. And he is so small compered to me. I just wanna hug him and never let go... Concentrate for gods sake!

" Sorry, I wasn't watching. " he apologized. " So what you wanna talk about? "

" I was wondering if you could tutor me in math?I'm almost failing and I can't understand anything. " I said still nervous and tingly. He thought for a moment than smiled and nodded.

" Yeah, sure. When is it good for you? "

" I'm free at the afternoon. Any day to be honest. "

" Ok...what about today at 4 pm? " he said thinking. He is so gorgeous. I need to stop seriously. Whats wrong with me?!

" It's cool for me. My house or yours? " I said smiling.

" Yours. If it's ok? "

" Yeah, and thanks so much ." I said than without thinking hugged him.

" Ummm. Its alright, you can put me down. " he said. It brought me back and after saying sorry with a really red face I bid goodbye and watched him go back to the cafeteria. I couldn't go back for two reasons. One, I have a smile of a maniac and two cause I'm still red faced. I didn't know I could blush this much. I hope he didn't see it. Or just didn't think much of it.

◇ End of the chapter ◇

Hi guys, it's my first book in english so please go easy on me if I made a mistake, but comment it down please. I hope you liked it till here :)

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