◇《 04 》◇

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Pic of Ryan, just a bit more muscular and with a different face structure.

~~ × ~~ Ryan POV. ~~ × ~~

We took a test today in math and thanks to Nate I think I'm gonna nail it or at least I ain't gonna fail it. Also, our first football match is coming up so a lot more practise waiting for us. Now that I think about it I never saw Nate on any of our matches, I wonder why? Maybe he isn't much of a sportsman, but that shouldn't matter, right? Like I saw people on our match who hate to do anything in P.E. Nevermind he probably has others things to do.

The morning practice already drained me from all the energy I had and today we are lucky enough to have another one late in the afternoon. Don't get me wrong I love football and practising for matches and stuff but at the and of the day I'm always exhausted especially when the season begins. No, that we get that over with, where was I again?

Yes, I'm in literature right now, a subject that surprisingly I really like. The teacher, Mr.Campbell, is a young dude he started teaching here four years ago I think. He is the coolest teacher we have, and I'm glad we got him for literature. We were learning about modern-day writers which is also awesome because we can relate to these much more. It was only a minute until the bell rang.

" Alright, I see you're not that interested in what I want to say now, I'm gonna give you your homework than your free to go. " Mr.Campbell said " Choose you favourite modern-day author and one of their books and all you have to do is write an 8-page essay. No worries its due to next week Friday.

I saw that not much people were excited about writing a long-ass essay, I bet some of them are gonna read an actual book the first time in their lives. Also, some of them just going to look something up from the internet and hope for a C. I'm neither of them, I'm more like the 'i have so many favourites which one should I pick' category. I know people tend to laugh and think I'm joking when I say I love reading. Sure I like football and sports but I also love to read so much you can't even imagine. Every book has its own world and by reading them you get to see all these beautiful and unique worlds that the authors created.

The bell rang and everyone hurried out of the classroom mostly because its lunch break and the cafeteria always has long queues. My mom made me lunch so no queues for me, I decided to eat in the benches outside since the weather was nice today. I texted Aaron to meet me outside. I was waiting on one of the benches when he showed up with a lunch bag in his hand. He sat down next to me and got his food out.

" So how was your "tutoring session" ? " he asked clearly trying to be funny.

" Oh, shut up. He just helped me with math and you know it too. " I said punching his arm. " Besides how many times do I have to tell you that he is straight? "

" You know, " he started taking a bite of his sandwich " you can't be sure about that. He might just be bisexual. You didn't know you were gay either. I suggest you ask him out once you know him better. "

" Fantastic plan, just one little thing. What if he is a homophobe? "

" Are you kidding me? " he said, rolling his eyes " His friend...Cameron? He is bisexual too. " How the hell does he know all of this? " I highly doubt him being a homophobe. Besides you radiate rainbows man, he would have found out already if he really is that smart. "

" Dude! " I yelled, and give him a smack at his head. I swear he can be really helpful and nice and then turn into a teasing bastard. "It's surely not that obvious. "

" Say that to the guy who gives you his number the last time we were out at a party. Or that time when we were at the mall and there were these two girls and a guy and when they approached us the guy was the one who tried to flirt with you and not the girls. " he was already cracking up. I pouted at him as a response and went back to eat. I admit these happen quite some time but still. If it were so obvious I don't think people would like me as much as they do now. In fact, if it really that I wouldn't have friends besides Aaron.

When we were done eating we went back to suffer through three more lessons and practice. When I was walking to the locker rooms from my last class I got a bit distracted with my thoughts and didn't saw the petite boy running towards me. When I finally noticed it was too late and we collided. I was the one who got sent down to the floor and from the weight on my stomach, I perceived that the boy was on top of me. I opened my eyes to see Nate's stunning eyes looking at me too. The gap between us was dangerously little. Thank the heavens he pushed himself up and with a muttered "sorry" he helped me up too.

" I'm really sorry, I wasn't looking . " he apologized.

"It's ok, really. No big deal. Where were you going in such a hurry? " I asked o strike up a conversation.

" I was looking for you actually. So in a way, I succeeded," he said laughing. God, he has an adorable laugh. " I wanted to ask how the math test went? "

" I think it's gonna be alright, but I'll tell you when we get them out. " I said. I think I'm gonna be late for practice again. Screw coach, Nate is more important.

" Okay cool. Then I'm gonna go I know you have football and if you don't hurry you will be late," he said and before I could ask he wants to come to our next match he was gone. So I continued to walk towards the lockers now Nate completely occupying my mind (not that I mind).

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