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×× ♡ ×× Nate POV. ×× ♡ ××

I'm sure people would think I know nothing about football because I do not like it. They are absolutely wrong. I was raised by a football maniac of a father, of course, I would know at least the basic things. For example, when is it a touchdown and the position of the players. I was lucky I know such things because without these I would have made a total fool of myself. My dad and Ryan's father were so into the game just like all the other people. I thought I'll be an exception but I was wrong. For a strange reason, my eyes kept searching for Ryan. I couldn't put these thoughts and feelings nowhere so I just ignored them as best as I could.

I don't really want to recall the whole game so I'm not going to. However, our school's team won, the score being 36 – 21 (If I gave numbers that are not possible please let me know and also I do not watch football so that's why.). It was weird because I really enjoyed it. Ryan's father went to find his son while I and my dad were planning on going home. We parted ways at the entrance of the school. I and dad were walking to our car not really hurrying anywhere. By the time we got to the very end of the parking lot where our car stood there weren't that many people around.

" So, how was the game Nate? " asked dad. He really was happy that for once I wanted to come.

" It was really good. I enjoyed it, glad our team won. " I answered him. His smile grew huge at that.

The school doors opened and the team walked out. Ryan and his father were talking when his dad saw us and waved. We waved back and started to get int he car. I was already in when I heard Ryan call my name. I hopped out and waited until he got to me.

" Hi Nate. " he greeted smiling.

" Hi, what's up? " I asked smiling back at him.

" I just wanted to ask what did you think about the game? " he asked a bit flushed. I assumed because of running.

"You were great. I really did enjoy it. I might just come to the other ones too. " I said. The last part I just jokingly added but his eyes lit up for a second after I said it.

" Really? Then I'm happy," he said with a huge grin spread across his face. His teammates were calling him back so he asked one more minute and turned back to me. " I guess I see you soon then.

" Yeah, sure. By Ryan."

" Bye Nate," he said then after a moment of hesitation he hugged me and hurried back to the others. Does he like hugs this much? I mean we aren't even that close but I already got quite a few hugs from him. I'm not complaining tho, he is very hugable. But this time it was weird because I felt a warm feeling spread through me when he hugged me. It was good being in his embrace even if it was just for a second. I don't know where these thoughts of mine are coming from or what their meanings are but I plan on finding it out. But how should I do it?

"Nat! " I heard my dad calling me. I somehow got so lost in my thoughts I forgot where I was. I was still standing next to our car looking straight ahead at the school doors. I shook my head glanced at my dad and hopped in. We started our way back to home the radio letting out the soft tune of whatever song it was playing. My dad was humming it but I was somewhere else.

We got home and I went to my room still lost in my world of daydreams. It didn't matter how hard I was thinking about these things I couldn't come up with an explanation. I was getting tired so I left things at that and went to take a shower.

Later I was sitting in my bed in a pair of pj's when I couldn't bear it anymore and called Cameron. We were best friends so I naturally thought I have to tell him about this. Besides he might even have an answer for me.

" Hello? " he asked groggily. I know he wasn't exactly sleeping but from his voice, I'm assuming he was planning to.

" Hi, Cam. " I greeted him. I heard him shift than answer me.

" Heyy, sup Nate? What's keeping you up so late? " he instantly knew something was bothering me. Talk about best friends, we knew each other better than ourselves. Funny though we have only known each other for 4 years.

" Well, " I started " I just keep thinking about Ryan and I don't know what to do!

" What about Ryan? Did he do something to you? " he asked. Did I mention his a tiny bit overprotective?

" He didn't do anything its just... " I trailed of. How the heck should I say this? " We kinda became friends of some sort but its weird. Until today nothing really special happened. You know today was that match and I went too when we were in the parking lot he came to me and we talked. He hugged me goodbye but I felt different. I got this warm and fuzzy feeling int he pit of my stomach and I hoped it would last a bit longer. I don't think its normal to feel this if you hug a friend, right? " I asked totally desperate for answers.

" Dude, I think I know whats going on with you," he said. I couldn't see him but I know he was smiling. " You really don't have to overthink this too much. Your feelings are totally normal because you don't think about him as a friend. You have a crush on Ryan. "

" But, how? " I asked bewildered.

" Don't know mate. That's for you to find out," he answered. "It's getting really late and you tend to be pretty cranky if you don't sleep enough. We talk tomorrow at school okay? " he asked. I nodded then realised he can't see me so I answered him than we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I put my phone back to my nightstand and pulled the covers up to my chin and went to a dreamless sleep.

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