Chapter Fourteen

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Jasmine's Point Of View

"Jazz get up" Diamond jumped onto of me like a monkey.

"STOP" I popped her arm, she pouted and started to cry.

"Ion care" I rubbed my forehead my headache was out of this world.

"What time is it" groaning I slipped out of my sheets. "Seven clock" she replied.

"Let's get you ready for school then" I scooped her up taking her to my bathroom.

30 minutes later me and Diamond were dressed for our productive day.

I checked my phone for any text messages  I had one from Chris.

Maurice💦😛😍~ Good Morning roach, I hope got your sleep from last night because you was too lit. Enjoyed sleeping in your bed, can't wait to do it again....see you at work in a couple of hours😁.

Don't tell me we had sex last night? That can't be right.

I was about to reply to his message when a call came in.


"Yes, is this Jasmine Jones?"

"This is she how can I help you"

"Do you know anyone by Patrisha Jones?"

My brain doesn't exactly work that well in the morning so it took me awhile to think.

I gasped covering my mouth "That's  my mother"

"You were the only one we could find to contact, she's currently in Piedmont Hospital. Someone found her in a alley naked and beaten. That's really all the info I can give you but if you come to the hospital they can give you more"

"Okay I'm on my way now" I grabbed my purse running downstairs.

Diamond and August were at the living room table eating bacon and eggs.

"August we need to get to the hospital right now"

"What happened?" He stared straight into my eyes.

"Diamond go get into the car" I guided her to the garage door.

"Someone called me from Piedmont hospital saying my mother was beaten and naked in a alley." My voice croaked, I loved my mother even after what she put me through at such a young age.

"Alright let's go, but don't you think babygirl should go with us?" He questioned stopping in his tracks.

"Honestly I don't know. I'll have to see how my mom is doing, if it's as bad as I think she might have too"

August's Point Of View

We dropped my babygirl off at school then we went to the hospital.

I didn't know Jasmines mom that well but I knew her background.

She use to come to the trap to get drugs all the time and she always did prositiution. She slept with almost every guy there besides me.

I looked ova at Jazz she looked terrified so I grabbed ha hand and rubbed it.

"You ight lil mama?"

"I'm straight I promise" she looked the window.

"Stop trying to be tough I know you feeling some type of way baybeh"

"I know I've hated her for the majority of my life but she didn't deserve this, I never should of left.... but I just wanted the best for Diamond" she started to cry.

"It's okay" I kissed ha hand.

I knew her mom slept with some niggas but what did she do to Jasmine that makes her hate her mom so bad?

"You're probably wondering why I dislike her so much"

"You done read mah mind now gon head n tell me"

"It was nine years ago"


"MOMMY" she picked me up and hugged me tight.

We had just back home from the grocery store. "Babygirl come on into the kitchen"

I followed her into the kitchen, then there was a knock at the front door.

"I'll be right back" she kissed my forehead heading to the front door.

"It's been 2 weeks boss needs his fucking money" I saw a black gun to her forehead.

"I'm sorry I don't have the money, I told him next week" she cried out.

"If you don't have the money where's your daughter?" They threw her onto the floor.

"Don't you dare touch my daughter"

"SHUT THE HELL UP" he slammed his foot onto her head.

"What's your name?" He picked me up

"J-Jasmine" the tears poured down my face.

"We're gonna have some fun with you" he smirked taking me out of the house.

*End Of Flashback*

"Ever since that day it's been hell for me, they raped me that night, all you could hear were my cries and screams from all the pain they caused me"

"I had to get an abortion at ten years old August TEN FUCKING YEARS OLD..... "

"I never knew dat"

"I didn't want that to happen to my sister, I really didn't. She's too young to be exposed to bullshit"

"I completely understand now"

Jasmine's Point Of View

After I had told August about why I disliked my own mother. We had arrived at Piedmont Hospital.

We parked the car in the parking deck taking the elevator to the lobby.

"Patrisha Jones please" I told the lady at the front desk.

"Room 230" she replied.

"You ready for this?" August asked holding onto my hand. "Yes I am"

Walking we finally got there room 230.

There she sat with bruises, a broken neck, broken legs, and much more.

"Who could of done this?"

"Ahh you must be Jasmine?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes that's me"

"Your mother isn't doing that well, she's in a coma as we speak her chances of waking up are very slim"

I didn't even bother to reply I just nodded my head. "Thank you" August replied for me.

"Mom I'll always love you no matter what, I'm gonna have Diamond come visit you. I don't care what you did she has to see her mother. This could be the last time she could see you anyways" my eyes started to water. "I know what happened that night..... you were just trying to provide for us.... trying to make I was ok...... I loved you so much and you let them touch me..... there was only so much you could do... What I'm trying to tell you is I love you and I hope you can fight this battle please stay with me Diamond needs you and I need you also. Wake up for us please"

Is she gonna wake up?


This chapter kind of made me cry a little 😭😭.

Chapter fifteen should be here shortly.❤️

If you want my Snapchat or Instagram message me and I will give you it.

Last announcement, my RayRay imagines are back up and I have started my Chris Brown imagines are great.😋

Until then


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