The first battle against the enemies

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Elite POV

Me and my girlfriend were at the beach, peacefully. The conch shell signalled for dinner after a few minutes. We jumped off the tree and headed to the dining pavilion. 

I wolfed down my food hungrily. Yummy! 'Hey Elite! Thals and Nico are good at fighting! I'll show you a video later.' exclaimed Ellis happily. 'Okay.' I replied, but with my mouth full of food, it cam out more like :' Pfftkay.' 'Ellis choked with laughter. 'What's so funny?' I asked. 'Nothing, it's just your face!' she choked out. I glared at her. Suddenly the conch shell blew 3 times, and that meant war. I reluctantly abandoned my food and rushed out to the pine tree.

A group of campers were already there. Peleus the dragon was hissing and blowing fire at the Hyperborean giants and they melted. I took out my blades and slashed at a group of hellhounds. They turned into dust. I flick my wrist and the second line of demigods were blown back into the wall, crumpling as they slid down. 'Well well well, who do we have here?' came a familiar voice that I knew very well. 'Commander Elite, is it? What a pleasure.' Of course, it had to be Hyperion. 'Hi, Hyperion. It looks like you've came out of your maple tree, at last. Sadly, you died and was regenerated in Tartarus. I saw you, curled up like a baby in a bubble.' I laughed maniacally, as I defeated every ally in the army. 'Let's see who will win, Commander Elite.' He said, an eager gleam in his eyes. At the corner of my eyes, the rest of my army and Ellis, were killing giants and earth borns. Of course, Nature was the most effective on the earth borns. The giants crumbled into dust every time the army members stabbed them and slashed at them. Soon, it was only me and Hyperion. I took my time as Hyperion approached me. He tried blasting me back, the power Titans like using. But this time, I held my ground. I freezed him mid-run. 'NOOOOO! I WON'T BE TOYED WITH AGAIN!' 'Bye, Hyperion.' I smirked as he crumbled into dust in a poke of my blades. 'So, breakfast anyone?' I asked, as the campers gaped at us.

 I continued stabbing at my steak, and gobbled it down satisfyingly. Ellis and the other members took selfies with the unconscious campers and the enemy corpses of the drakon. I joined in some and Ellis posted them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, tagging the army members. We got tons of like back home. Chaos commented: Good job children! 

Nico plonked down beside me. 'This's so fun! Thanks for accepting us by the way.' I smiled. 'You're welcome, Death Breath.' 'KELP HEAD!' He shot back. 'Fine fine, whatever.' I chuckled. After dinner, I decided to pay the forgers back home for a surprise.

A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter, but I still hope you enjoyed the story! And be sure to check out the next chapter to know what is the surprise Elite is preparing! 

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