The battle between Jasper and Elite

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Elite POV

We reached Camp Half-Blood. Chiron left us. We found the darkest part of the woods, and I made a cabin out of Chaos iron, which was unbreakable. Only army members can go in. We stepped in the cabin, which was the same like the Chaos Castle. 

I went in my bedroom, that was galaxy colored, and flopped down on my bed. I got up, went to the training room and by the way, the cabin is bigger than you look at the outside. I hacked, slashed, stabbed, jabbed with Destroyer and Revenge until all the mechanical dummies were destroyed in a second. I looked at the clock, it was 9.45am. I left the room, and prepared for Jasper to get beaten hard by me.

Annabeth POV 

Hmph! The stupid Chaos army! Thinking they were strong! Me and Jas are the best swordsman and woman in camp and we could beat them in a second! I stormed towards the beach. Jasper was there. 'Hey babe, how you doing? Prepared to shame that Elite?' I said, but in my pit of my stomach, I knew that Elite was stronger than he looked. A Priormidal! Stronger than gods and titans. 'All prepared babe, he is going down!' he replied confidently. We kissed. When we broke apart, I had a feeling that Elite was like Percy, his sassiness and confidence. I shook those thoughts away, me and Percy were history. I strolled to the arena with Jasper, arm-in-arm. 

Elite POV

I reached the arena with my army, our hoods on. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that army members can see through other army members hoods. I met Nature's brilliant green eyes, and we both blushed. I liked her and I was going to tell her later, at the seaside when the sun sets. Jasper and Annabeth were snogging. Ugh! How long are they gonna kiss. I separated them and Jasper was fuming because I interrupted their kiss. He strolled down. 'You prepared to be smashed Elite?' 'Yes, but you will be smashed instead.' 'FIGHTERS, ATTENTION! NO KILLING OR MAIMING, ALL MAGICAL PRODUCTS ALLOWED!' bellowed Chiron. I took out Destroyer and Revenge. The color from the campers faces drained out. 'B-but thats-' Annabeth swallowed 'Chaos metal, Chaos bronze and Chaos gold..... It's more stronger and the most dangerous metal in the universe, its stronger than normal Celestial bronze, Imperial gold and metal too. Be careful babe!' Jasper's face turned pale but he stammered, 'You are going down, Commander.' I snorted, 'As if.' I clicked my hands and a lightweight armor made out of Chaos metal, Chaos gold and Chaos bronze appeared on me.

 'FIGHTERS, BEGIN!' hollered Chiron. Jasper advanced and I stretched my back and willed my wings to come out. Gasps were heard. I smirked, I flew in the air, and my body surged and tingled with power. I shot down like an arrow and slashed at Jasper with my blades, and it made two good sized cuts. He staggered to his feet and advance again, I snorted, and in a millisecond his blade flew through the air and landed in the lake, my blades at his chest and neck. 'Do you give up?' I smirked. 'Y-yes.' he whispered. 'Looks like the child of Victory lost.' I taunted. I turned my back on him, willed my wings to go back in my back, and removed my armor. Suddenly, Jasper struggled up, which took a lot of effort since the cuts from me drained him and he used an extra blade to slash at me. I raised a hand and he went flying to the pillars. He slid down, unconscious, and Annabeth rushed to his side. Thalia and Nico snorted in disgust. Me and my army left and returned to our cabin. I went in my room after they congratulated me for smashing Jasper up, flopped on my bed and fell asleep. 

Jasper POV

I woke up in the infirmary, Annabeth cried in relief. She kissed me softly. 'Are you okay babe? I'll teach him a lesson because you have to be stuck in here for two weeks! The cuts are not deep but they make you feel drained even at the touch, only Priormidals like the Chaos army are immune to it.' 'Yes, teach them a lesson babe, just don't get hurt.' I said weakly. My lips were parched. 'Okay babe.' She left and I fell into a deep sleep again. 

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