Watch it Pour

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Everything seemed distant, like dazed, cold images, as Elerrina remained rooted to the ground. Silence floated in the air like a deathly ghost as every elf seemed to have ceased breathing for a moment. She could not move. Could not speak. The trees rocked dully to the chilled breeze, their dark leaves producing no sound as they swayed in the hollow waltz.

"Ada?" Came Elrohir's despaired plea, a whisper carried in the grasp of the cold breeze. She watched the Elf-Lord's grey eyes try to focus again, but the foggy, tired gaze held no signs of recognition.

Elerrina felt her heart ache, as her insides appeared to constrict, her throat so tight it felt hard to breathe. It felt as if her chest had suddenly been pressed too tight and she felt hopeless, despaired, an indescribable feeling of pain and sorrow taking hold of her. And yet, she knew these emotions were not caused by her own body when they disappeared a second after they arrived, as if the owner had repressed them and stored them inside.

"Elrohir" She heard Glorfindel whisper lowly as his pained soft blue eyes threw a sympathetic look at the younger twin while he shook his head slightly. Pained silver eyes met the Balrog Slayer's steady gaze and Elrohir finally seemed to give up his despaired pleas, unwillingly understanding that his father was not going to recognize him at the moment.

The Elf-Lord's eyes hid again under heavy eyelids and an exhausted sigh left his lips as his left hand traveled once more to rest on his forehead. A dark haired elf walked forward and handed Elrohir a cup filled with steaming liquid. No words were exchanged as the elf quickly returned to stand some distance away.

Elerrina turned her head to her right, eyes lost in the spot in which Elladan's figure had vanished among the dark trees. It had been his emotions the ones she had felt run through her only a few seconds ago, and she was sure about it. She felt useless, merely another breathing body in this lifeless night.

The pale traces of moonlight battled almost indifferently against the heavy canvas of grey clouds, like white ghosts penetrating dimly into the atmosphere. It was cold and humid, and yet no elf moved to make a fire, the vivid roar of the red flames seeming like a comfort they did not deserve.

Turning her head once more, she found that Elf-Lord appeared to have succumbed into unconsciousness once again. The iced look on Elrohir's eyes sent shivers down her spine. His face was expressionless, empty, and yet his eyes were hard, focused into nothing in particular, cold and hostile. The same look that she had seen in Elladan's eyes.

She watched, unable to move, as Glorfindel moved to sit next to Elrohir, resting one hand over his shoulder in a comforting gesture. She had known that the golden haired warrior was a second father figure for the twins, and it made her heart clench when she saw the younger twin bitterly pull away from the Balrog Slayer's touch, his grey eyes darkened with anger.

Without thinking what she was doing, Elerrina turned around, her feet leading her purposely towards the forest, following the path Elladan had taken. She did not know what she was doing, but she could not simply stay and watch the hard, cold look in Elrohir's eyes, knowing that they were only a mirror image of Elladan's own expression.

She felt Glorfindel's eyes on her, and threw one last look at his direction. Dark green eyes met a deep pair of soft blue ones, gazing at her intently, the expression on his face unreadable. She almost expected him to stop her, as he had done before, but he did not say anything. Wordlessly, she turned her gaze away from him, and to the forest ahead, and continued her march into the darkness of the silent trees, away from Legolas, from Elrohir, from the Elf-Lord, from all the other elves.

Elerrina did not turn around as her feet kept leading her through the darkness. The air was cold and hollow, the trees muted under the pale moonlight. The soft crunching of the fallen leaves as her feet fell over them was the only sound that reached her ears as she continued forward, not knowing her destination.

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