When I Only Know Your Name

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The first gleams of sunlight filtered through the heavy canopy  like thin threats of gold, as the dawn painted the skies in various shades of pink and violet. The dark veil of the night had not yet completely faded, contrasting obscure and peaceful against the awaking day. The morning breeze carried the beautiful melodies of birds, distant and soft, like awaking from a long dream. The dark shadows of the trees had turned different shades of purple, mirroring the dawning sky.

She sat still on the damp grass, green eyes lost into the dead fire. She could not tell how many hours ago she silently returned to sit by the then vibrant fire, after Elladan parted into the forest, watching the flames wane and grow weak until they finally disappeared. She had not tried to go back to sleep. She would not find it anyway. 

It had felt like mere seconds until  the sun had started to rise in the sky. She had sat there for two hours at the most, perhaps three- she had lost count. And yet all too soon she heard Elrohir start to stir on the spot on the grass near to her left, where he was peacefully sleeping. Elladan had not yet returned.

Her eyes turned to glance at the only twin left with her in the small clearing, watching him slowly stand up and make his way to where she sat, his light footsteps echoing on the damp grass. She did not say anything, quickly fixing her eyes on the dead fire once more, Elladan's words from the night before still ringing fresh in her right ear.

"Slept well?" His voice echoed softly through the clearing  as he sat by her side.

"Mhm" She lied easily, offering a small smile that she was not sure managed to reach her eyes. She was glad Elrohir  did not question her further about it, grey eyes suddenly  looking around, as if for the first time noticing the absence of his brother.

"Where is Elladan?" She felt a shiver run down her spine as she remember how close said elf had been of her the night before, how his eyes had pierced into her very soul.

"He took off a couple of hours ago. I do not  know where he went." She did not have to lie this time, although she kept most of the details to herself. Elrohir however did not seem to need any more explaining from her part. Instead, he smiled and nodded his head.

"He tends to do that when he cannot sleep. He will be back soon; he usually comes back right at sunrise."

As if on cue, at that precise moment a tall silhouette appeared through the edge of the small clearing, walking elegantly in their direction. Almost immediately, she instinctively lowered her gaze to the dead fire once again, embarrassed from the conversation of the night before. Or perhaps she was merely scared to accidentally meet his gaze, scared to find out if his eyes would be secretive and silent once again, or if they would still be burning liquid silver that pierced through her body.

"Oh, there you are!" Said Elrohir grinning mischievously at his twin. "We were just talking about you"

"I am not surprised." She could almost hear the smirk in his voice, a tone that seemed to make fun of the world around him. " Ladies love to talk about me" She felt his eyes flash to her and perfectly pictured his grin mocking her as he sat next to his brother, but she did not turn to look. "They are always following me"

Oh no, he did not just say that! Elerrina had to contain herself from jumping at him. Was he really going to play these games with her? He was testing her. He knew that she was proud enough as to not mention their little conversation in front of Elrohir.

She knew that he had spoken the truth, and that she had for the first time rightfully thanked him, clearly showing that she did not hate him, but she was not going to admit that to anyone just yet. It was as if he had seen right through her. He wanted her to react at his comment, he knew she was embarrassed and was taking advantage of it. And his mocking smirk only reminded her why she disliked him thus. 

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