wedding day

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today is me and zayn's wedding day and i havent seen zayn for 5 fucking days they kept me away. i would cry myself to sleep if i didnt see zayn for another day. it was 3 minutes till the wedding I'm standing with my father at the door soon the music started the door opened and  all I saw was zaynhe looked like sex on legs. we walked down to zayn and i kept my speed down, soon i reached zayn he smiled lightly. he grabbed my hand and tingles went up my spine.

preacher- do you zayn malik take niella for you lovely wedded wife through life and death do you part...

zayn- i do...

preacher- and do you niella take zayn to be your lovely wedded husband through life and death do you part...

niella- i do 

preacher- zayn you may kiss your bride....

zayn- oh will i!!!!!

the croud laughed zayn brought me close and kissed my lips. i kissed him back. we walkd down the aisle i threw my flowers and my sister caught them which harry gave her the look. me and zayn laughed as we went straight to the reception. we had a great time laughing hugging drinking grinding fist pum ping and other things....

my love my heart- zayn malik vampire love storyWhere stories live. Discover now