pregnacy test

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zayn's pov

I think I got niella pregnat because she's been gaining weight a lot of weight. so one day niella asked me to go to the store and get a pregnacy test. so I went to the store and bought to but damn it was exspensive but this is serious no time for that I have to find out if I'm gonna be a father or not.

I soon got home to niella a gave her the test she grabbed it and ran upstairs and closed the door and locked it

niella's pov-

when zayn got home and gave me the test I sped into the room and locked it. I open the box and read the directions once I finished reading I took the test and waited for the results and I looked down till I heard a beep I looked at the screen...........+

my mouth dropped I have alittle ziella in me! I pulled myself up and ran down stairs and slowed down quietly stop to read zayn's mind

zayn's thought- please god tell me if she's pregnat I wanna have a child with her please.

I smiled at what he said. then I wanna trick him so I frowned

niella- zayn?

he turned around and looked at me.

zayn- what did you get

he looked like he had worry un his eyes

niella- negative

zayn- what? I've been waiting all year ti have a baby with you !

I started laughing and he looked confused.

zayn- what is so funny ?

niella- zayn look

I showed him the test hus mouth dropped

zayn- you mean there is a litttle ziella in you.

I nodded my head and watch how big his grin got

zayn- are thoughs my little ziella in there he said as he put hus hand in my belly,

niella- yes my cutie patotie

I pecked gim on the lips. when the kiss got heated and a loud scream interuputed us.

niella- avery

zayn- labor

niella- yeah kets go help

we both ran into avery's room

avery- ella the baby is coming!

niella- zayn helo me so we can get her to the hostpital. and where the hell is harry!

avery- he went jogging

zayn- I'll call him

zayn's pov-

phone convo-

harry- hello

zayn- harry where the hell are you avery is about to give birth!

harry- what really!?!?

zayn- yes hurry back where getting her to the hostpital,

harry- okay I'm on my way

two seconds later he ran in the house.

zayn- harry carry avery to the car now

harry picked uo av and took her to the car. niella grabbed her purse and keys and ran to the car. as I locked the door.


they put her in the scretcher and rushed her to the room as harry ran after them.

3 hours later-

soon the doctor came out and told me and niella to come in. I got excited I couldn't wait untill I see my little haverys!

before we walked in I read niella's mind and started communicating with each other.

zayn- excited

niella- yeah

zayn- I know but I defenitly can't wait until you be in labor I can't wait to see our child!

niella- I love you

zayn- no I love you more!

I leaned in and pressed my lips on hers. as she kissed back.

zayn- let's go meet a new family member.

niella- sure

we walked in.

harry- zayn niella its a girl

zayn- congrates mate

niella- now you can name it darcy except of ours

avery giggled

avery- come see she's a wake because y'all loud asses

harry- hey young lady languege and plus your other buddies are commin

and at that point louis liam and niall walkied in

louis- where's my neice

he was so lou he mad the baby cry

zayn- louis shut up

louis- sorry

everybody had the chance to hold darcy it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. everybody together and havng a great time

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