uh-oh busted bitch

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zayn's pov-

i havent seen paparazzi in a LONG time. thats a good sign since niella punched the shit out of the man.

???- ya know zayn were not gonna give up

zayn- who are you ?,!

???- you already know

damn the fucking paparazzi

zayn- what the fuck are you doing in niella's house you stupid bitch!!

paparzazzi- that bitch punched me in the face and now its gonna be harder for you.

he said as he grabbed my coller

zayn- i swear to god do anything to me and it wouldnt be my eyes looking at you are my smile to kill you !

paparazzi- is that a threat

zayn- no bitch its a fucking promise

paparazzi- what are you gonna do about it

zayn- oh dont worry about it just know she's comming

the door soon swung open

niella- what i fucking tell yo ugly ass stay the fuck away from my fucking house you stuid bitch.

paparazzi- you know what bitch im tired of you attidude

niella- you know what fucker you can kiss my ass for all i care

she walked over towards the front door.

niella- tom she yelled

the polive came in and quickly grabbed him and put himin handcuffs

he dropped his camera niella had thus evil look in her face

niella's thought- can i can i can i?!.!

i nodded

she stomped the camera

paparzzi- no that camera cause 2 million dollars

niella- well lets see whos not gonna be using a camera for a lng time

paparazzis- your a disgusting bitch

niella- and the biggest one youll ever known

police- thanks ms. moore

niella- your welcome

tje jumped on the couch and fell asleep. i put my head in lap and she started to pkay with my hait

zaym- this is the only time you can touch mt hair

right then and there she played with my hair untill we both fell asleep.

my love my heart- zayn malik vampire love storyWhere stories live. Discover now