my first kiss

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niella's pov

zayn still didn't kiss me. when he asked me he forgot something


zayn- hey boo!

niella- hey zaynie!

zayn- umm there is something I need to get iff my chest.

please do!!!!!

niella- what is it?

zayn leaned in and I barley felt his lips on mines. he started to move away. like what the fuck?!?! does my breath stink?!?!?!

niella- what the hell is going on!

zayn they're near!

nuella- who's near?

zayn- paparazzi they're in the house.!

niella- the can come up here and kiss my ass if I care they can't take away my boo the fuck!!

he started laughing

zayn- so where were we?

I glared at him

zayn- oh that

he leaned in and softly pressed his lips on mines. it felt way better than I thought it would. he held the sides of my face and so did I. it turned out inti a full makeout session. we both roughly let go out of breath.

zayn- said n breaths.

the door swung open and flashes were made. the fucking paparazzi.!!!!!

niella- get the fuck out of my house before I call the fucking police!!!!

paparazzi- is that a threat?

niella- no its a fucking promise!!!!! now leave zayn alone!!!!

paparzzi- fucking bitch!

I started to run after them.

niella- zayn let me at em'!!!!!

zayn- no

niella- I'm hungry wanna go hunt?

zayn- yea sure!

we dashed out the back door and towards the woods

my love my heart- zayn malik vampire love storyWhere stories live. Discover now